12th Street Reimagined

City officials have long discussed remaking the West 12th Street corridor, enhancing its appearance and function and positioning it to become magnetic to entrepreneurs. This is a gateway to downtown Erie and a center of industrial gravity, a place where things are built and made. This project will result in a detailed strategic plan that articulates a vision for West 12th Street between the I-79 interchange and Walnut Street and reality-rooted action steps to bring the vision to life.

Next Steps – Draft Report

Please submit all comments, suggestions, and questions to Jenni Easton jeaston@pashekmtr.com by SEPTEMBER 6, 2024.

Community Input

At the first public event on March 27th , the project team presented preliminary market findings as a framework to consider potential future land uses and redevelopment concepts.

Thank you to all who attended the May 21 public event at Strong Vincent Middle School. Presentation slides are available for review below. Please review the slides and share your thoughts in this survey: https://forms.gle/q5xKHtuZSXuAeQo3A

12th Street Reimagined March 27 Presentation.mp4 (sharepoint.com)

Market Analysis

The following economic and baseline analysis considers market factors such as consumer expenditure, real estate supply and demand, and workforce status, to understand the current conditions impacting the 12th Street corridor. Following a data analysis, the consultants reviewed feedback gathered through market card and interview engagements.

About the project

The 12th Street Reimagined plan will engage the public and stakeholders in developing market-supported land use and transportation strategies for the stretch of West 12th Street between the I-79 Interchange and Cherry Street. The plan will examine reuse opportunities for critical sites and establish action steps for making the corridor more inviting and functional for new development and redevelopment, as well as ensuring that the roadway is designed to meet the current and future needs of all users.

This effort builds on Erie Refocused, the City of Erie’s Comprehensive Plan, which identified the West 12th Street corridor as a core focus area.

Industrial site investments by the Erie County Redevelopment Authority and new developments proposed closer to Downtown make this an optimal time to establish and advance a community-supported vision.

Who’s involved?

This project is a collaborative effort between multiple agencies, led by the City of Erie’s Department of Planning & Neighborhood Resources and Erie County’s Department of Planning and Development. The project is supported by Federal Highway Administration grant funds administered by the Erie Metropolitan Planning Organization.

Project consultants include Pashek+MTR, a Pittsburgh-based landscape architecture and community planning studio that will lead land use and aesthetics; Fourth Economy, a national community and economic development consulting firm that will contribute market analysis and development insight; and Whitman, Requardt & Associates, a nationally recognized multi-disciplinary engineering firm to lead the transportation component.

Most importantly, the project will rely on involvement from the people, groups, organizations and businesses who live, work and/or invest in the 12th Street Corridor.

Project scope and milestones

This project will take place during the first half of 2024, with plan completion anticipated for late June. Work to develop the plan will include:

  • Meetings of an appointed steering committee
  • Field assessment of existing conditions
  • Transportation, land use and market data analysis
  • Interviews, focus groups and neighborhood group meetings
  • Two public events (in March and May)
  • Identification of target sites, concept development
  • Vision/concept workshopping
  • Regulatory review
  • Assembling an implementation and funding plan

Draft materials generated during the project’s development will be posted on this site for review and comment.

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