City Planning
Planning and Neighborhood Resources
The focus of this department is to coordinate the efforts of the City to achieve its goals and implement the City’s Comprehensive Plan, Erie Refocused, and its 5 Year Action Plan. Ensuring that the community’s vision for the future is understood, memorialized and then acted upon is paramount to the mission of planning and will help drive progressive change in Erie. This endeavor will take the collective effort of the City and its community partners to realize so coordination at this moment is key.
The Department works with all other City departments to align resources to meet community needs as well as help identify areas where additional research, policy development, or planning is needed and fill those areas of need. The Planning Department works with the Planning Commission in order to provide the citizen planner’s voice to meet the challenges and opportunities for the City as well as with a multitude of neighborhood groups, businesses, residents, and other agencies within the City and the region.
Neighborhood Resources
Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation
Historic Preservation is a way for the City of Erie to actively connect cultures, neighborhoods, and built forms and spaces of the past representative of our collective. “Historic Preservation serves to retain the properties, sites, neighborhoods, and districts of cultural, historical, and architectural value in continuing, productive use while accommodating change where necessary”.. It is also “a process and dialogue with community residents and stakeholders regarding what…assets are worth retaining and enhancing for the benefit of future generations” (p. 10, City of Erie Historic Preservation Plan, 2024).
Erie’s neighborhoods, homes, schools, industrial complexes, social halls, parks and beyond serve as valued places then and now; Through considering and applying appropriate historic preservation and planning practices we provide them an opportunity to continue to be vibrant, treasured places of the past for present and future generations.
City of Erie Historic Preservation Plan
Citywide Historic Resources Survey
Historic Preservation in Erie
City of Erie resources Link to Erie Historic Preservation Plan
Community-level resources
State-level resources
National-level resources
City of Erie Historic Preservation Planner for more information:
Heather Olson
814-870-1580 (t)
814-870-1584 (f)
City Planning Commission
Comprehensive Plans/Strategic or Study Area Plans
A comprehensive plan is more than just a document disclosing past and present land use trends with a proposed course of action. It is a process of organizing for the future. It creates a blueprint for our land use patterns of tomorrow. Community planning is an organized way of thinking about tomorrow. By thinking about how a community changed in the past can help predict what changes might be in store for the future. When this type of thinking translates into action, it needs to be done in an orderly fashion and made part of a local process.
Pennsylvanians know that land is one of our most valuable natural resources and the way it is used or developed creates a significant part of our physical surroundings. Any change in land use becomes a permanent part of our daily lives in the future. Yet all valuable resources must be used reasonably, economically and equitably to benefit both the property owner’s interest as well as the general public. An important power of local government is to plan for and guide the way land resources are used. We hope that this publication assists local officials in this stewardship and planning endeavor.
Click here to view
Erie Refocused Comprehensive Plan
Active Erie Transportation Plan
Neighborhood Action Plans
All Other Plans