City Council Meeting Sept. 2, 2020

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A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Repository Sales:
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $539,636.36 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof. Revenue is from the FEMA Firefighter Assistance Grant for the purchase of equipment for firefighters.F. OLD BUSINESSG. NEW BUSINESS1. A resolution sponsored by City Council President James Winarski hereby appointing Laurie Watson as City Clerk of the City of Erie effective September 17, 2020.
2. Receiving the communication from the City Planning Commission recommending amending Zoning Ordinance 80-2005 relating to After-hours and Dance clubs regarding definitions and terms, clarifications, and regulations, and authorizing and directing the City Clerk to advertise for a Public Hearing before Erie City Council on Wednesday, October 7, 2020 at approximately 9:30 a.m. via Zoom.
3. Authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City officials to enter into agreements with business owners being awarded Special Economic Development funding in the form of a forgivable loan under the CDBG-CARES Act in which the City will provide up to $25,000 to each qualified business for the purpose of providing the working capital necessary for LMI job retention and/or creation. The total funding allocated to this program is $549,667.39.
4. A resolution that the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan be formally ratified:
Emily Ernes, LLC (Glass Growers Gallery) Amount Term Fee
$ 39,750.00 7 Years $198.75
5. A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as 930 Buffalo Road, Erie, PA and identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 18-050-036.0-102.00 by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to James McKee, Jr., 903 Hatten Street, Norfolk, VA, in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
6. A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as 713 Ash Street, Erie, PA and identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 14-010-019.0-123.00 by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau Yalonda Ballard, 1133 Marne Road, Erie, PA, in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
7. A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as 131 East 22nd Street, Erie, PA and identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 18-050-016.0-214.00 by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Antonio Stapp, 127 East 22nd Street, Erie, PA, in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
8. A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as 1316 German Street, Erie, PA and identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 15-020-013.0-102.00; 1304 German Street, Erie, PA Index Number 15-020-013-00105.00; and 340 East 14th Street, Index Number 15-020-018.0-137 by the by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Matthew Good, Housing and Neighborhood Development Service (HANDS) 7 East 7th Street in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
9. A resolution extending the term of exemptions, deductions, abatements and credits for real property, earned income tax, net profits mercantile, and business privilege taxes within a specific geographic area in Erie County designed as a Keystone Opportunity Expansion Zone (“KOEZ”) or Keystone Opportunity Improvement Zone (“KOIZ”) in order to foster economic opportunities, stimulate industrial, commercial, and residential improvements and prevent physical and infrastructure deterioration within areas of the City of Erie, Erie County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, upon certain terms and conditions. ( McInnes Rolled Rings)
10. A resolution of the taxing District to approve an agreement among the County of Erie, Erie, County Tax Claim Bureau and the law firm of MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton LLP.
Whereas, the County of Erie and the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau (collectively “the County”) have entered into an Agreement (the “Agreement”) with M MacDonald, Illig, Jones & Britton LLP (hereinafter “MIJB”) with respect to conduct of judicial, “lien-free,” tax sales during the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 (hereinafter the “Judicial Tax Sales”) of properties against which delinquent taxes are due and owing.TRANSFERS
That the following amounts be transferred in Police General Fund AccountTransferred from: Transferred to:
Amount Account Title Amount Account Title
$ 15,000.00 002-0613-0000-4043 Training $ 15,000.00 002-0613-0000-4045 Communications
CONTRACTS1. Suit-Kote Pennsylvania, 10965 McHenry Street, Meadville, PA 16335 for proposed crack filling of various streets Bid No. N/A (COG) in the amount of $16.48 per gallon unit price.PURCHASE ORDERS1. Veritiv Corp., 7472 Collection Center Drive, Chicago, IL 60693 for the 2021 Tax Bill Paper for the Office of City Treasurer at a cost of $2,053.75.
2. Synergy Business Forms. Inc., 3802 West Lake Road, Erie, PA for the purchase of the 2021 Tax Bill Window Envelopes for the Office of City Treasurer at a cost of $2,041.87.
3. TechWorx, LLC, 2618 Sigsbee Street, Erie, PA 16508 for ten (10) PC’s and ten (10) PC mounts to replenish stock for the Office of Computer Services at a total cost of $7,769.80.
4. M.B. Squires Company, 40 Garrett Road, New Wilmington, PA 16142, light fixtures for Bayview Park Basketball Court for the Bureau of Parks & Recreation in the amount of $6,816.00.
5. Electrical & Mechanical Systems, Inc., 316 Cherry Street, Erie, PA 16507 to supply and install lights for Bayview Park Basketball Court for the Bureau of Parks & Recreation in the amount of $7,250.00.
6. Snap Tite Hose dba All-American Hose, PO Box 280, Indiana, PA 15701 for the hose for the Fire Rescue Pumper for the Bureau of Fire at a cost of $9,852.84.
7. Suit Kote Corp., 1911 Lorings Crossing Road, Cortland, NY 13045 for tact oil for the Bureau of Streets in the amount of $3,115.35.
8. Amendola Construction & Maintenance, 2716 McKee Road, Erie, PA 16506 for curb repair at 10th & Weschler for the Bureau of Streets at a total cost of $9,400.00.
9. Richard Sekula, PhD, LLC, 2545 West 26th Street, Erie, PA 16506 for pre-hire Police Officer psychological evaluations for six (6) new police officers for the Office of Human Resources at a total cost of $2,500.00.
10. Parson’s Penn Glass Co., 2817 Pine Ave, Erie, PA 16504 to furnish and install tow (2) aluminum doors with safety glass at West/East ends and furnish and install Plexiglas in five (5) sections & partition posts for the Office of City Treasurer at a total cost of $13,160.00.
11. Monitoring Solutions, PO Box 520 Tatamy, PA 18085 for the 24/7 emergency hardware support contract for the continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS) at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,500.00.
12. Gannon University, 109 University Square, Erie. PA 16541 for the bi-annual Erie property condition survey, which includes student wages and mileage for the Mayor’s Office at a total cost of $2,248.58.H. COMMITTEE REPORTS
I. ADJOURNMENT*This will be a Zoom meeting.

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