Bayfront Parkway Public Hearing

City Council will conduct a virtual Public Hearing regarding the PennDOT Bayfront Parkway Plan on Thursday, September 24th at 5:30 p.m.

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Erie City Council Public Hearing – Agenda

Bayfront Parkway Project

Location: Erie City Council Chambers and on Zoom

Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 at 5:30 pm

1.            CALL TO ORDER (Council President – Jim Winarski)


3.            STATEMENT OF PURPOSE (Chair of Public Hearing – Councilwoman Liz Allen)

4.            PUBLIC HEARING PROCEDURE AND GUIDELINES (Chair of Public Hearing – Councilwoman Liz Allen)

a.            (***see below…)

5.            PRESENTATION (15 min.) – BAYFRONT PARKWAY PROJECT (PennDOT reps and consultants)

6.            OPEN UP TO COMMENTS AND OPINIONS FROM THE PUBLIC (Chair of Public Hearing – Councilwoman Liz Allen)

a.            Each person to give name, address, company represented (if applicable) and opinion for the record:

i.             In favor of proposed Bayfront Parkway Plans

ii.            In opposition to proposed Bayfront Parkway Plans

iii.           Comments and questions from Members of City Council

7.            ADJOURNMENT (President of Council – Jim Winarski)


A.           The Chair explains the guidelines to be followed in the conduct of the hearing:

•             Only one person will be allowed to speak at any given time.

•             Members of the public, when speaking, are requested to state for the record their name, address, and the name of the company they represent, if applicable.

•             Statements from the public are limited to 5 minutes each. The Chair reserves the right to interrupt comments that extend beyond 5 minutes in order to afford everyone an opportunity to express their opinion.

•             All are required to register an opinion with the Clerk, either in favor of or opposed to the proposed Bayfront Parkway Plans.

B.           The Chair then opens the floor for opinions and/or statements from the public.

C.           Attendees may forward their written opinions to the clerk if they are not able to speak at the hearing or chose not to speak at the hearing. (City Clerk – Laurie Watson –

D.           Non-attendees may also forward their written opinions to the clerk if they are not able to attend the hearing.

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