Budget Session #2 and City Council Meeting Nov. 18, 2020
AT 7:30 P.M.
A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Repository Sales:
D. Citizens to Be Heard: On ZoomE. ORDINANCES: FOR FINAL PASSAGE1. Council File No. 16,185 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 41-2020
An ordinance prior to the issuance of a demolition permit the contractor/owner must comply with all code enforcement procedures and ordinances.2. Council File No. 16,186 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 42-2020
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $108,745.71 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the Department of Homeland Security 2019 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant).3. Council File No. 16,187 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 43-2020
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $102,500.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the Department of Homeland Security 2019 Fire Prevention and Safety Grant).ORDINANCES: FOR FIRST READING1. Council File No. 16,188
An ordinance fixing the tax rate for all city purposes for the Fiscal Year (beginning on January 1, 2021 and ending on December 31, 2021).2. Council File No. 16,189
An ordinance of the City of Erie, County of Erie and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting the General Fund and certain other budgets for the fiscal year (beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2021).3. Council File No. 16,190
An ordinance closing and vacating the southern portion of an existing alleyway adjacent to 950 and 954 West 23rd Street and touching back property line of 2223 and 2209 Cascade Street at the owners request (Collectively the “Property”) Whereas, at its regular meeting on September 15, 2020, the Erie City Planning Commission considered the project and unanimously recommended approval of the proposed alley vacation and closure.4. Council File No. 16,191
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $26,759.53 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the State COVID-19 Fire Rescue and EMS Grant).5. Council File No. 16,192
An ordinance with the City of Erie General Fund Budget Financial Statements the sum of $95,744,249.88 is accepted by the City of Erie. This amount represents a prepayment of the current forty (40) year lease agreement between the City of Erie and the Erie City Water Authority (Erie Water Works).6. Council File No. 16,193
An ordinance with the 2020 City of Erie General Fund Budget Financial Statements the sum of $2,000,000.00 is appropriated from appropriated and anticipated revenue for use as a transfer by the City of Erie. This amount represents a transfer from the General Fund to the Business Development Loan Fund.F. OLD BUSINESS
G. NEW BUSINESS1. A resolution sponsored by Councilman Brzezinski to designate a portion of Hess Avenue between East 10th to East 12th Street as “Bruce Baumann Way” in honor of Bruce Baumann and his outstanding public service and longtime supporter, player and champion of Erie Softball. Mr. Baumann was inducted into the Metro Erie Sports Hall of Fame in 2007.
2. A resolution sponsored by Councilman Brzezinski that Mr. Lou Bizzarro be hereby re-appointed to the Erie Water Authority. His term will expire January 31, 2026.
3. A resolution sponsored by Mel Witherspoon, re-appointing Howard Bibbs to the Blight Property Review Committee (BPRC). His term will expire December 31, 2022.
4. A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to approve the annual budget of the Erie Area Council of Governments for the calendar year ending December 31, 2021
Whereas, the City of Erie PA is a member of the Erie Area Council of Governments (EACOG), and,
WHEREAS, the EACOG has proposed its Annual Budget for its financial activities during the 2021 calendar year which will be voted on for approval at the EACOG’s General Assembly Meeting on December 9, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Erie has reviewed the Proposed Annual Budget for 2021, a copy of which is attached hereto, and finds it to be in good order; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Erie acknowledges its proportionate share of the Members’ Dues as listed therein.
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Erie, Erie, County, PA that the Proposed Annual Budget for the Calendar Year ending December 31, 2021 be approved by the City Council of the City of Erie PA.
Adopted this 18th day of November by the Members of City Council.
5. A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to approve
Whereas, the City of Erie will be undertaking a project under the Strategic Management Planning Program to implement part of their STMP Phase 1 Multi-year implement Plan for Information Technology Improvements for various functions in City; and
Whereas, the City of Erie wishes to participate in said project; and
Whereas, the planning Department of Community and Economic Development makes available grant-in-aid to such projects through the Strategic Management Planning Program
Whereas, due to the City’s current and projected financial challenges and anticipated deficits, the City requesting funding of up to 90% or $200,000 of the anticipated cost of such a project from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development similar to the level of funding and match awarded to the City for their Early Intervention Plan (now STMP) Phase 1.
Now, Therefore, be it resolved that the City Council of the City of Erie hereby authorize the Office of the Mayor to make application for such a grant on our behalf.
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Erie hereby allocates local resources in the amount of $20,000.00 to said project.
6. A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as 3003 Brandes Street, Erie, PA and identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 18-050-046.0-312.00 by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Robert Stinedurf, 3005 Brandes St., Erie, PA in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
7. A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute an Easement
agreement between the City of Erie and the Performing Artists Collective Alliance, 1505 State Street, Erie, PA 16501, Index (15) 2004-101, for the installation of a sign projecting into the right of way of State Street, in compliance with the attached City Engineer’s metes and bounds description and drawings.
8. A resolution that the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan be formally ratified: Amount Term Fee
Value Flow Group, Inc. $250,000.00 7 Years $1,250.00
9. A resolution that the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan
be formally ratified: Amount Term Fee
Huffman Family Chiropractic, LLC $ 60,500.00 7 Years $ 302.50TRANSFERSCONTRACTS1. Royal Truck & Equipment, Inc., 6910 PA-309, Coopersburg, PA 18036, for the purchase of a traffic attenuator and employee work traffic bucket to be installed on a current fleet truck at the Municipal Garage for the Department of Risk Management at a cost of $39,159.40.
2. Logistics Plus, Inc., 1406 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16501, to perform interpretation, document translation and any other services as needed for the department for the Mayor’s Office at unit prices per contract.
3. Neogov, 300 Continental Blvd., Suite 565 El Segundo, CA 90245 for the E-Forms Subscription, Professional Services, Implementation and Training at the City of Erie Human Resources at a total amount of $22,895.00.PURCHASE ORDERS1. Electric Repair Technology, 922 1/2 Bacon Street, Erie, PA 16511 for the #1 Ash Slurry Pump at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total cost of $3,495.00.
2. Electric Repair Technology, 922 1/2 Bacon Street, Erie, PA 16511 for the #3 Ash Slurry Pump at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total cost of $3,495.00.
3. Wm. T. Spaeder Co., 1602 East 18th Street PO Box 10066 Erie, PA 16514 for an emergency repair of a ruptured condensate tank at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total cost of $4,079.19.
4. CUES, 3600 Rio Vista Ave. Orlando, FL 32805 for the purchase of a downhole Pole Retrieval Tool & Platform Assembly Launcher for the Bureau of Sewers at a total cost of $2,398.77.
5. W.C. Weil Company, 3812 William Flynn Hwy, Bldg. #2 PO Box 199 Allison Park, PA 15101 for the purchase of two (2) replacement 30-hallon condensate systems for the Incinerator Bldg. at the Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $8,442.00.
6. David Milano Construction, LLC, 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to repair the sanitary main at 450 West 12th Street for the Bureau of Sewers at a cost of $9,685.20.
7. Best Buy, 6650 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16509 for two (2) iPad Airs and for two (2) keyboards for the Mayor’s Office at a total amount of $2,097.98.
8. Kovatch Mobile Equipment Company (KME), 1 Industrial Complex, Nesquehoning, PA 18240 for body repairs on Engine #13 for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $19,915.00.
9. Silent Call Communications, 5095 Williams Lake Road, Waterford, MI 48329 for fifty (50 smoke detectors for the hearing impaired for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $10,238.26.
10. Kraus Department Store, 810 Parade Street, Erie, PA 16503 for 76 interconnected smoke detectors for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $2,830.24.H. COMMITTEE REPORTS
I. ADJOURNMENT* This will be a Zoom meeting.
** City Council will conduct three Budget Sessions via Zoom on Monday Nov 16th Wednesday November 18th and Thursday November 19th at 6:00 P.M.
Register in advance of this webinar:
https://us02web.zoom.us/…/reg…/WN_ANtYieVZSIqp4ZoZV4ez6AAfter registration, you will receive a confirmation email.