Agenda for the City Council Meeting Dec. 2, 2020
AT 9:00 A.M.
A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Repository Sales:
D. Citizens to Be Heard: On Zoom
(zoom information located at the bottom of the agenda)
- Council File No. 16,190 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 46-2020
An ordinance closing and vacating the southern portion of an existing alleyway adjacent to 950 and 954 West 23rd Street and touching back property line of 2223 and 2209 Cascade Street at the owners request (Collectively the “Property”) Whereas, at its regular meeting on September 15, 2020, the Erie City Planning Commission considered the project and unanimously recommended approval of the proposed alley vacation and closure.
- Council File No. 16,191 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 47-2020
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $26,759.53 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the State COVID-19 Fire Rescue and EMS Grant).
- Council File No. 16,192 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 48-2020
An ordinance with the City of Erie General Fund Budget Financial Statements the sum of $95,744,249.88 is accepted by the City of Erie. This amount represents a prepayment of the current forty (40) year lease agreement between the City of Erie and the Erie City Water Authority (Erie Water Works).
- Council File No. 16,193 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 49-2020
An ordinance with the 2020 City of Erie General Fund Budget Financial Statements the sum of $2,000,000.00 is appropriated from appropriated and anticipated revenue for use as a transfer by the City of Erie. This amount represents a transfer from the General Fund to the Business Development Loan Fund.
- Council File No. 16,194
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $127,886.03 from unappropriated and
unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the Erie County
Cares Act Municipal Reimbursement)
- Council File No. 16,195
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $221,191.84 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the Erie County Cares Act Reimbursement round 2).
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Keys that Mr. Abdullah Washington of 327 ½ East 6th Street, Erie, PA 16503 be hereby appointed to the Erie Sewer Authority for a term that expires on December 31, 2023. Mr. Washington will complete the term of John Savelli who has resigned.
- A resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and other Proper City officials that the City of Erie Director and Assistant Director of each City department and the City Grant Writer to serve as authorized organization representatives to sign required proposal documents and to submit state and federal grant applications on behalf of the City for the 2021 calendar year.
- A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to enter into Memorandum of Understanding with Erie Cable TV Access d/b/a Community Access Media (CAM Erie) with regard to the broadcast license to control and operate a public, educational and governmental access channel.
- A resolution receiving the Erie County Human Relations Commission (ECHRC) 2019 Annual Report and filed in the Office of Accounts, Finance and Budget.
That the following amounts be transferred in Department of Public Works, Golf
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 6,500.00 | 009-0728-0000-4056 | Repair/Maint Services | $ 6,500.00 | 009-0728-0000-4059 | Other Svcs/Charges |
That the following amounts be transferred in Department of Public Works, Refuse
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 50,000.00 | 008-0731-0000-4059 | Other Svcs/Charges | $ 50,000.00 | 008-0731-0000-4035 | Repair/Maint Supplies |
That the following amounts be transferred in Department of Public Works, Bureau of Sewers
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 7,500.00 | 007-0771-0000-4047 | Heat, Power, Light | $ 3,500.00 | 007-0771-0000-4024 | Uniform/Tools |
2,000.00 | 007-0771-0000-4013 | Seasonal Wages | 6,000.00 | 007-0771-0000-4007 | Shift Differential |
8,500.00 | 007-0773-0000-4059 | Other Services/Charges | 8,500.00 | 007-0773-0000-4007 | Shift Differential |
$ 18,000.00 | $ 18,000.00 |
- 3 Rivers Fire Equipment, 1319 Airbrake Avenue, Turtle Creek, PA 15145 for 25 pair of Globe Paint System GPS for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $78,843.75.
- B & H Photo,420 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10001 for Council Chambers Project for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $28,766.30.
- Community Access Media 142 West 12th St., Erie, PA 16501 for the media server for upgrades in City Council Chambers/Channel 1024 for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $35,645.00.
- Government Connection, PO Box 536477, Pittsburgh, PA 15253-5906 for City Council Chambers Project for various equipment upgrades for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $6,069.75.
- National Vacuum Corp., 6389 Inducon Drive, West Sanborn, NY 14132 for the cleaning of the #2 Grit Chamber at the City of Erie Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,975.00.
- Prompter People, 126 Dillon Ave., Campbell, California 95008 for upgrades for the Council Chambers Project for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $2,099.00.
* This will be a Zoom meeting.
** There is a budget session scheduled for Tuesday, December 1st at 6 pm
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When: Dec 2, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: City Council Meeting – Morning Sessions
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