A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Repository Sales:
D. Public Comments: On Zoom
- Council File No. 16,206 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 11-2021
An ordinance amending Official Ordinance No 80-2005, and amendments thereto, codified under Part 13, Article 1303 Zoning Code of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Erie, Pennsylvania, Article 6 of the Zoning Ordinance, by amending the definitions of the terms “Bottle Club”, “Commercial Recreation” and “Eating and Drinking Establishment”, defining the terms “After Hours Club” and “Dance Club”, identifying the Zoning Districts in which these business entities can be located, and amending Article 3, Section 305.25 of the Zoning Ordinance to prohibit alcoholic beverages.
- Council File No. 16,207 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 12-2021
An ordinance amending the City of Erie Zoning Ordinance, Ordinance Number 80-2005 by amending Article 6 Definitions to include new definition and amending Article 7 Historic Resource Protection in its entirety.
- Council File No. 16,208 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 13-2021
An ordinance amending the Codified Ordinances of the City of Erie Part One – Administrative Code, Title Seven – Employment Provisions; Pensions; Article 149. Firefighters’ Pension Fund by amending Section 149.01 (ff) regarding the purchase of prior military service (specifically, to eliminate the prohibition of such a purchase if there has been a purchase for the same period in another plan).
- Council File No. 16,209
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $49,375.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue received from the Penelec Sustainable Energy Fund ($25,000) and the Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority Restart Grant ($24,375) and providing for the expenditure thereof for the purchase and installation of a solar photovoltaic system
for the Central Fire Station.
- Council File No. 16,210
An ordinance amending Article 330 Landlord and Rental by removing Section 330.12 Sunset provision in its entirety.
- A resolution that the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan be formally ratified: Amount Term Fee
Enterprise Development $1,000,000.00 20 Years $5,000.00
Center of Erie County
- A resolution that the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan be formally ratified: Amount Term Fee
Romolo Chocolates $100,000.00 5 Years $ 500.00
- Markl Supply Company, 904 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 15229 for new Glock 45 MOS 9mm Gen5 Handguns for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $14,085.00.
- JP Enterprises, 15125 Francesca Ave North, Hugo MN 55038, for five(5) Law Enforcement Custom Suppressed Sniper Rifles for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $22,695.00.
- Accredited Security, 6017 Pine Ridge Road, Suite 73, Naples, FL 34119-3956 for four (4) refurbished Tasers and fifteen (15) battery packs for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $3,820.25.
- Trane U.S. Inc., 45 Earhart Drive, Suite 103, Buffalo, NY 14221-7809 for the labor, material and travel costs to reheat the coil stream traps for City Hall for the Bureau of Public Buildings at a total amount of $26,450.00.
- Legacy Truck Center, 3900 Depot Road, Erie, PA 16510 for a 2021 Mack Granite 42F Single Axle Chassis for the Bureau of Streets at a total cost of $97,749.00.
- A&H Equipment, 1124 McLaughlin Run Road, Bridgeville, PA 15017 for a chassis up fit build on a 2021 Mack Granite 42F Single Axle Truck for the Department of Public Works, at a total amount of $75,380.00.
- Centrisys Centrifuge Systems, 9586 58th Place, Kenosha, WI 53144 for the rehabilitation & repair of the Rotating Assembly & Rotodiff on Centrifuge D-2 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant, Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $26,089.00.
- Community Access Media (CAM Erie) 142 West 12th Street, Erie, PA 16501 for the Single Channel Live Streaming Server in Council Chambers for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $2,895.00.
- Conrad Office Products, Inc., 1610 West Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA 16509 for a Ricoh Plotter (printing, scanning, and copying) used construction drawings for the Bureau of Engineering at a total amount of 12,555.00.
- Praetorian Digital/Lexipol (PoliceOne), 2611 Internet Blvd Suite 100, Frisco, TX 75034 for an On-Line Subscription for training courses and videos for learning for 174 police officers for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $6,500.00.
- Uniform Outfitters, LLC, 1227 Powell Avenue, Erie, PA 16505 for a five (5) suppressor sights, holsters and mounting plates for the DD SWAT rifles for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $3,637.35.
- Markl Supply Company, 904 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 15229 for equipment, (mounts, sling adapters, lumens, grips and rails) for five (5) new Daniels Defense rifles for the SWAT Team for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $4,645.00.
- Markl Supply Company, 904 Perry Highway, Pittsburgh, PA 15229 for miscellaneous gun repair and maintenance parts/supplies for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $6,369.89.
- Walter’s Tree & Stump Removal, 5214 Lake Pleasant Road, Erie, PA 16509 for the emergency removal of trees and stumps at various locations for the Department of Shade Tree in the amount of $5,510.00.
- Country Fair, 2251 East 30th Street, Erie, PA 16510 for unleaded and diesel fuel that was purchased when the fuel pumps were down at the Public Works Complex, Bureau of Public Works at a total cost of $16,241.95.
- Koehler Rubber & Supply Company, 800 W Resource Drive, Independence, OH 44131 for two (2) complete rebuild kits for the Ferric Chloride Pumps at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,087.00.
- Erie Tec, 1432 East12th Street, Erie, PA 16503 for the replacement 30HP Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for the #2 Sludge Feed Pump at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,743.68.
- Erie Tec, 1432 East12th Street, Erie, PA 16503 for the replacement 40HP Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) for the #1 Ash Slurry Pump in the Incinerator Building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,821.45.
- Trimble/Telog Instruments, 935 Stewart Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94085 for the 2021 Annual Telog Enterprise software support agreement for the Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $2,400.00.
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** There will be a Finance meeting following the council meeting