City Council Meeting May 5, 2021 at 8:30 a.m.
Residents to be heard registration link:
City Council Agendas can be found at the following link:
Scheduled Council Meetings:
May 5*, 19
June 2*, 16
July 7*, 21
August 4*, 18
September 1*, 15
October 6*, 20
November 3*, 17
December 1*, 15
Meetings will be held at 9:00 AM, prevailing time, on the first Wednesday of each month and at 7:30 PM on the third Wednesday of each month. Morning meetings are designated on the above schedule by an asterisk (*).
City Council will meet in via Zoom in the Council Caucus Room at 8:30 AM on morning meetings and at 7:00 PM on evening meetings.
Study sessions may be held on Thursdays in City Council Chambers at 5:30 PM.
This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Act 213, Session of 1957, of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of PA, and Act 1974, known as the “Sunshine Law”.
Laurie A. Watson, City Clerk City of Erie, Pennsylvania