AT 7:30 P.M.
A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Requests for Repository Sales
D. Public Comments:
1. Council File No. 16,227 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 32-2021
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $270,566.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG21) projects.
2. Council File No. 16,228 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 33-2021
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $3,216,390.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and program income for the Community Development Block Grant (CD21) projects.
3. Council File No. 16,229 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 34-2021
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $809,159.00 from unappropriated and anticipated
Revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the HOME (M21) projects.
4. Council File No. 16,230 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 35-2021
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $168,383.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof.
1. Council File No. 16,231
An ordinance appropriating the sum $300,000.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof. Funding is from a grant from the Commonwealth of PA Department of Economic and Community Development for purchase of a Fire truck.
2. Council File No. 16,232
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $140,743.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof.
3. Council File No. 16,233
An ordinance of the City of Erie repealing and replacing Article 349 (Alarm System), Definitions; providing for the assessment of fines for all false alarms; authorizing the administration and enforcement of these regulations by the City department of Public Safety; and prescribing penalties for violation.
4. Council File No. 16,234
An ordinance amending Ordinance Number 26-1958, the Traffic Code of the City of Erie by the installation of stop signs at three (3) intersections (1) West 9th Street and Lincoln Ave.-stopping West 9th Street (2) Homeland Boulevard and Hilltop Road – stopping Hilltop Road (3) West 21st Street and Raspberry Street – stopping Raspberry Street.
5. Council File No. 16,235
An ordinance approving the plan of the Erie Sewer Authority for the issuance of an aggregate amount not to exceed $30,285.00 Sewer Revenue Bonds, series of 2021 and setting forth the amount, interest rates and maturity dates of the bonds; authorizing the Authority to proceed with the plan of financing; authorizing the execution and delivery of a lease agreement and the incurrence of lease rental debt thereby authorizing the specified officers of the City of Erie to prepare and certify the debt statement, and to do all other acts necessary to carry out the provisions of the ordinance, setting forth the payment of the Sewer Revenue Bonds and the source of such payments; repealing all inconsistent ordinances and providing that the ordinance is effective immediately.
1. A resolution sponsored by Council member Mel Witherspoon appointing Thomas J.
(T. J.) Sandell, 2712 Plum Street, Erie, PA 16508 to the Building Code Board of Appeals for a three (3) year term that will expire May 31, 2024.
2. A resolution sponsored by Liz Allen in recognition of the contributions that
refugees and immigrants make to our community and in affirmation of the City of
Erie’s official designation as a certified Welcoming City, Erie City Council proudly
proclaims June as Refugee and Immigrant Heritage Month. We take note of the many ways that New Americans make a positive impact in our community, by starting small businesses, enriching our arts and culture and enhancing our educational institutions.
3. A resolution sponsored by Liz Allen in recognition of the fact that Gov. Tom Wolfe signed legislation two years ago designating June 19 as “Juneteenth National Freedom Day in Pennsylvania, Erie City Council hereby also designates June 19 as “Juneteenth National Freedom Day” in the City of Erie. On June 19, 1865, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, more than two years after President Abraham Lincoln had signed the Emancipation Proclamation, with news that the Civil War had ended and that Confederate General Robert E. Lee had surrendered in Virginia two months earlier. In proclaiming June 19 as “Juneteenth National Freedom Day” in Erie, we also acknowledge that prominent early settlers held enslaved people in Erie. More information on that era can be found at, which has an extensive collection of information on Black history in Erie County, including a driving tour.
4. A resolution that the Water Reserve Investment Committee recommends the Water Reserve portfolio be rebalanced to meet asset mix targets.
5. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the necessary agreements with sub-recipients to carry out the Community Development Block Grant (FY21) projects:
501-5048-2021-4421 Manus Enterprises-Renovations $ 60,000.00
501-5014-2021-4435 BTW Center HR $ 76,201.00
501-5015-2021-4435 MLK Center HR $ 72,030.00
501-5016-2021-4435 JFK Center HR $ 35,740.00
501-5021-2021-4435 Youth Leadership Institute HR $ 5,000.00
501-5025-2021-4435 Boys & Girls Club Summer Rec $ 60,000.00
501-5036-2021-4435 Trinity Center HR $ 36,655.00
501-5044-2021-4435 Multicultural Comm. Resource Center HR $ 35,660.00
501-5119-2021-4435 UECDC HR $ 60,000.00
501-5130-2021-4435 Erie City Mission HR $ 50,000.00
501-5138-2021-4435 St. Martin Center HR $ 50,000.00
501-5168-2021-4435 YMCA Downtown Teen Center HR $ 50,000.00
501-5017-2021-4477 GECAC In-Home Services $ 8,250.00
501-5014-2021-4520 BTW Center Summer Rec $ 19,537.00
501-5015-2021-4520 MLK Center Summer Rec $ 26,000.00
501-5016-2021-4520 JFK Center Summer Rec $ 21,032.00
501-5036-2021-4520 Trinity Center Summer Rec $ 18,335.00
501-5004-2021-4582 ERA Housing Rehab $200,000.00
501-5004-2021-4606 ERA Housing Rehab LEAD $ 75,000.00
501-5047-2021-4702 Paramount Pursuits LLC Sm Business Asst. $ 50,000.00
501-5170-2021-4702 Gannon University SBDC Sm Business Asst. $ 50,000.00
501-1251-2021-4704 City Housing Services – ERA $ 20,000.00
6. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the necessary agreements with sub-recipients to carry out the Community Development Block Grant (FY21) projects:
506-5017-2021-4700 GECAC – Rapid Re-Housing $ 87,933.00
506-5114-2021-4701 SafeNet – Hospitality House $ 13,328.00
506-5115-2021-4701 SafeNet – Bridge House $ 8,637.00
506-5116-2021-4701 SafeNet – TLC $ 4,708.00
506-5126-2021-4701 Community of Caring $ 18,815.00
506-5127-2021-4701 Community Shelter Services $ 32,160.00
506-5128-2021-4701 St. Patrick’s Haven $ 15,682.00
506-5130-2021-4701 City Mission $ 36,868.00
506-5131-2021-4701 The Refuge $ 18,815.00
506-5132-2021-4701 Mercy Center for Women $ 13,328.00
7. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the necessary agreements with sub-recipients to carry out the HOME (FY 21) projects:
$ 250,000.00.
8. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to enter into agreements with individual homeowners being awarded funding through the Community Development Block Grant-Homeowner Mini Grants project whereas a deferred loan up to $5,000.00 each will be provided to low and moderate income owner occupants for repairs or improvements to their homes. Total of $75,000.00.
9. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to enter into agreements with prospective homeowners being awarded HOME funds for the City Homebuyer Rehab project in which the City will provide up to $24,999.00 for rehabilitation costs, down payment assistance and closing costs to each qualifying recipient. The total funding allocated to this program in the FY21 plan is $239,122.00.
10. A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to enter into agreements with individual homeowners being awarded HOME funds for the City Homebuyer Rehab project in which the City will provide up to $24,999.00 for rehabilitation costs to each qualifying homeowner. The total funding allocated to this program in the FY21 plan is $239,122.00.
11. A resolution authorizing the Enterprise Zone Loan Review Committee approval of the following loan be formally ratified: Amount Term Fee
The UPS Store (Donald Fanzini) $155,500.00 15 Years $777.50
That the following amounts be transferred in Sewer Revenue Fund
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$150,000.00 | 007-0771-0000-4047 | Heat, Light & Power | $150,000.00 | 007-0771-0000-4057 | Tipping Fees |
1. Environmental Coordination Services and Recycling, Inc., 3237 US Highway 19, Cochranton, PA 16314 for tipping fees for the Electronic Recycling Event on 5/1/21 for the Bureau of Refuse at a total amount of $34,635.50.
2. Levco, 141 East 26th Street, Erie, PA 16504 for speakers, horns, wall mounts and set-up for the communications project for the Bureau of Fire at a total amount of $30,125.00.
3. Bryx, Inc., 120 East Avenue, Suite 300, Rochester, NY 14604 for TV’s and set-up for the Bryx System for the communications project for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $38,342.00.
4. Velocity Network, 121 West 10th Street, Erie, PA 16501 for the installation of fiber network for the communications project for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $25,000.00.
5. Fletch Air Systems, 3297 Ridge Road, Ransomville, NY 14131-9258 for a breathing air purification system, RFQ #6510-2021, for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $76,612.00.
1. AWARE, Inc., 205 North Walnut Street, Pittsburg, KS 66762 for the renewal of the annual support agreement for the AFIX Tracker Automated Fingertip/Palm- Print ID System for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $6,383.00.
2. AT&T Mobility, PO Box 6463, Carol Stream, IL 30197-6463 for eight (8) iPads for the communications project for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $3,079.92.
3. Filtech Filtration Specialist, Inc., 221 West 8th Street, West Homestead, PA 15120 for two (2) HEPA Air Filter Units ($2.050.00 ea.) for the Office of City Treasurer at a total cost of $4,100.00.
4. Cleveland Brothers Equipment, 3950 Depot Road, Erie, PA 16510 for a repair on the paver for the Bureau of Streets at a total cost of $6.246.96.
5. David Milano Construction, LLC, 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for storm sewer repair at Euclid & Lakeside Drive for the Bureau of Sewers at a total cost of $16,798.26.
6. Zones, LLC, PO Box 34740 Seattle, WA 98124-1740 for the purchase of fourteen (14) Microsoft Windows Server Standard Core Licenses, ten (10) Windows Servers Client Access License (CAL) & two (2) Microsoft SQL Server Core Licenses at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $15,669.04.
7. Siemens Industry, Inc. c/o Gilson Engineering Sales, Inc., 535 Rochester Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 for the purchase of two (2) Siemens 5100W Mag Meters and appurtenances to replace failed units in the FLOT building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $6,128.00.
8. Trane U.S. Inc., 3600 Pammel Creek Road, LaCrosse, WI 54601-7599 for the service & repair of the Absorption Chiller System at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,085.50.
9. Schindler Elevator Corp., 230 Bilmar Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-4601 for three (3) year contract for the annual inspection of the freight elevator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,520.00.
10. CUES, 3600 Rio Vista Ave., Orlando, FL 32805 for the repair of the Platform Assembly Launcher for the CUES CCTV inspection camera for the Bureau of Sewers, Collection Division at a total amount of $2,103.57.
11. CUES, 3600 Rio Vista Ave., Orlando, FL 32805 for the repair of the Platform Assembly Launcher for the CUES OZ III sewer line inspection camera for the Bureau of Sewers, Collection Division at a total amount of $3,608.19.
Citizens are welcome to attend the meeting in person, following CDC guidelines. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM (Register in advance for this webinar at :
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania), Channel 1071 Community Access Media, the City of Erie’s Website, and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.
Please note, channel 1024 (local government access channel) will not be available due to upgrades until further notice.
** Note: City Council has cancelled the July 7, 2021 City Council meeting – The Wednesday July 21, 2021 meeting will be held at 7:30 pm as scheduled.