A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Requests for Repository Sales
D. Public Comments:
Blair Mead Designs, 1001 State St 9th Fl., Erie, PA “Business Funding”
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the proper City Officials to sign the necessary documents and agreements and the City Solicitor’s Office will assist with the preparation of these transactions, to transfer funds from the American Rescue Plan to the City of Erie Infrastructure and Brownfield Development Fund made available through the City of Erie Infrastructure Development Fund as follows:
Erie County Redevelopment Authority: 140 East 16th St. Demolition $ 750,000.00
Erie County Redevelopment Authority: 601-645 West 12th St. Demolition $1,250,000.00
Erie County Redevelopment Authority: Demolition Admin $ 100,000.00
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the proper City Officials to sign the necessary documents and agreements and the City Solicitor’s Office will assist with the preparation of these transactions, to transfer funds from the American Rescue Plan to the City of Erie Business Development Revolving Fund made available through the City of Erie Business Development Revolving Fundas follows:
Erie County Redevelopment Authority (on behalf of Minority Community Investment Coalition (MCIC) for $1,000,000.00
- A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as CK Riblet Sub LT 15, identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 18-051-016.0-201.00 by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Timothy Ward, 1677 East 26th Street, Erie, PA in the amount of $250.00 be hereby approved.
- A resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to execute the ROUNDABOUT AGREEMENT with the Department of Transportation (“PennDOT”) regarding the roundabout to be installed at State Route 4034 Bayfront Parkway and Sassafras Street Extension & State Route 4034 Bayfront Parkway and Holland Street. The agreement will remain in full force and effect indefinitely unless terminated as provided in the Agreement, continues in effect until it has been changed by operation of law, when taxpayer no longer qualifies for tax exemption or has been terminated by one of the Parties.
- A resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to execute a TRAIL STRUCTURE AGREEMENT No. 010Y02 with the Department of Transportation (“PennDOT”) regarding the trail structure which will be constructed over the Bayfront Parkway (S.R. 4034) adjacent to Holland Street )Holland Pedestrian Bridge”). The agreement will remain in full force and effect indefinitely unless terminated as provided in the Agreement.
- A resolution authorizing the proper City Officials to execute a MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT No. 010Y03 with the Department of Transportation (“PennDOT”) regarding the bridge to carry State Street over the Bayfront Parkway (S.R. 4034) and related improvements as outlined in the Agreement which will be installed by PennDOT. The agreement will remain in full force and effect indefinitely unless terminated as provided in the Agreement.
- A resolutions authorizing and directing the proper City Officials
WHEREAS, the connection between Erie’s downtown, its adjacent neighborhoods and the Lake Erie waterfront is vitally important to the economic health of our community;
WHEREAS, the City of Erie and the Erie-Western PA Port Authority desire to improve vehicular and pedestrian connectivity;
WHEREAS, the properties necessary to meet the objective of connectivity are owned and operated by the City of Erie, The Erie-Western PA Port Authority and other municipal authorities operating within the City;
WHEREAS, the Erie-Western PA Port Authority has secured or is in the process of securing funding to enhance vehicular and pedestrian connections;
WHEREAS, as part of its enhanced connectivity project, the Erie-Western PA Port Authority intends to reconstruct new roadways, namely West Front Street and Sassafras Street Extension;
WHEREAS, the Erie-Western PA Port Authority has agreed to construct these new roadways in accordance with the road specifications set forth by the City of Erie, and in compliance with all applicable federal and state regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act;
WHEREAS, after completion of the new roadways, Erie-Western PA Port Authority will dedicate and turn over ownership of the new roadways to the City of Erie;
WHEREAS, The City of Erie will accept the new roadways provided that they are constructed in accordance with all applicable specifications and regulations as referenced above. All Right of Way (ROW) dedications shall be subject to formal approval by the Erie City Planning Commission. The legal acceptance of the ROW shall be in writing and signed by the Mayor. To ensure accurate historic documentation, all ROW acceptances must be approved by Erie City Council at a public meeting; and
WHEREAS, with the acceptance of the new roadways, the City of Erie will be eligible for additional Liquid Fuels Funding. The City of Erie shall be entitled to receive this funding to help defray the cost of general roadway maintenance.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Erie hereby agrees to accept and maintain the cartway of West Front Street and Sassafras Street Extension upon satisfactory completion of the new roadway construction project as referenced above; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Erie-Western Pennsylvania Port Authority shall maintain all bicycle and pedestrian amenities associated with the new roadway project. These new amenities may be located both within and outside of the legal ROW.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Proper City Officials to enter into a lease agreement with Albert M. Covelli Real Estate Company, 717 State Street, Erie Pennsylvania 16501, for office space located at 717 State Street, Erie Pennsylvania; for the FBI’s Erie Area Gang Law Enforcement Safe Streets Task Force and High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (EAGLE SSTF and HIDTA).
The term shall be five years, beginning October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2026.
Erie Bureau of Police (EBP) will expend $270,000.00 for 5 years ($54,000.00 per year) to lease the space for the task force use. All EBP lease expenses will be reimbursed monthly by the FBI; a Memorandum of Agreement will be signed to define the roles and responsibilities of the parties concerning reimbursement for the rental of space utilized by the Task Force.
That the following amounts be transferred in the American Rescue Act Funds
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$2,000,000.00 | 036-2000-0000-5050 | ARP Act Expenditures | $2,000,000.00 | 036-2051-0000-5051 | COE Business Dev. Plan |
That the following amounts be transferred in the American Rescue Act Funds
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$1,000,000.00 | 036-2000-0000-5050 | ARP Act Expenditures | $ 1,000,000.00 | 036-2052-0000-5052 | COE Business Dev. Plan |
- Zones, LLC, PO Box 34740, Seattle, WA 98124-1740 for a mass document scanner for the Office of Computer Services at a cost of $3,108.38.
- Schindler Elevator Corp., 230 Bilmar Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15205-4601 for the replacement of worn cylinder packing and the alignment of the guiderails & piston on the freight elevator in the Incinerator building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant for a total amount of $14,845.00.
- Air Pool Corp., 300 Weyman Road, Suite 400 Pittsburgh, PA 15236 for the Inspection of the Venturi Scrubber, Tray Cooler, Entrainment Separator Module & the WESP (Wet Electrostatic Precipitator) for the #1 Incinerator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant for the total amount of $8,900.00.
- David Milano Construction, LLC, 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to install sanitary main and connections at Kahkwa Road, and dugout winter cuts at various locations for the Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $44,718.37.
- Path Master, Inc., 1960 Midway Drive, Twinsburg, OH 44087, for seven (7) controller assemblies and GPS clocks to be used at intersections on State Street and Peach Street, for the Department of Public Works at a total cost of $76,195.00.
* Citizens are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM
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Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania), Channel 1071 Community Access Media, the City of Erie’s Website, and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.
Please note, channel 1024 (local government access channel) will not be available due to upgrades until further notice.