A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Requests for Repository Sales
D. Public Comments:
- Council File No. 16,248 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 53-2021
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $ 200.00 from appropriated and anticipated revenue from Valu Home Center for the Erie Fire Department.
- Council File No. 16,250
An ordinance amending Articles 2, 3 and 6 of the City of Erie Zoning Ordinance to incorporate language for Short Term Rentals.
- Pursuant to the provisions of Zoning Ordinance No. 80-2005 and the proper legal advertising, Erie City Council will hold a Public Hearing Wednesday, November 3, 2021 at approximately 9:30 A.M. in City Council Chambers, 626 State Street, Erie, PA regarding the request for Waterfront Conditional use submitted by REPAX LLC. for the construction of a two (2) unit dwelling located at 257 East 2nd Street (Parcel ID 1009-209).
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Brennan authorizing and directing the proper City officials to designate West 6th Street from Myrtle west to Chestnut Street as “Thomas B. Hagen Way” in honor of his service and dedication to the City of Erie.
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Keys that Mr. Tony Ratcliff Jr. of 420 Hess Avenue, Erie, PA 16507 be hereby appointed to the Civil Service Commission replacing Tony Pol whose term has expired. Mr. Ratcliff’s four-year term will expire on October 31, 2025 and his current term as an alternate will expire immediately upon approval.
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Keys authorizing and directing the proper City Officials
WHEREAS, the pandemic has highlighted the need for quality outdoor spaces,
WHEREAS, the area around Rodger Young Park has significant rates of poverty and poor health outcomes,
Therefore be it resolved that the City of Erie, PA will install a 400 meter competition level track and multi-use (soccer, football) field with funds received from ARP and $2,200,000.00 be transferred to the Parks Department from the ARP fund to execute the resolution.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Proper City Officials to allow the custodian of the City of Erie Water Reserve Fund Account to release the amount of $527,150.00 payable to the City of Erie Capital Fund, paid through October 31, 2021.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Proper City Officials to execute an Easement Agreement between the City of Erie and Warner Theatre, 811 State Street, Erie, PA 16501, Index (15) 2001-201, in compliance with the attached Engineer’s metes and bounds description locating a canopy and sign.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and City Council hereby requests a Multimodal Transportation Fund grant of $1,800,000.00 from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to be used for West 8th Street corridor improvements from Liberty Street to State Street.
Be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the applicant does hereby designate the Director of Public Works and the City Traffic Engineer as the official(s) to execute all documents and agreements between the City of Erie and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant.
- A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as
342 East 24th Street, identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number 18-052-014.0-132.00, by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Kevin Tornatore and Tammy Weigart, 338 East 24th Street, Erie, PA for $250.00 be hereby approved.
- A resolution that the proposed Repository sale of property commonly known as
42×100 (Buffalo Road and Pear Street, identified by Erie County Assessment Index Number
18-051-013.0-202.00, by the Erie County Tax Claim Bureau to Artem V. Karnaukh, 16502 Myrtle Street, Erie, PA for $250.00 be hereby approved.
- A resolution appointing the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $48,981.38 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on November 4, 2021.
1. Mackenzie Kranz
2. Dakota Williamson
3. Joshua Filutze
- A resolution appointing the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $48,981.38 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on November 4, 2021.
1. Dakota Williamson
2. Joshua Filutze
3. Kayla Pound
- A resolution appointing the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $48,981.38 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on November 4, 2021.
1. Joshua Filutze
2. Kayla Pound
3. Eli Payronel
- A resolution appointing the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $48,981.38 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of her appointment on November 4, 2021.
1. Kayla Pound
2. Eli Peyronel
3. Daniel Modeski
- A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute an agreement between the City of Erie and The Upper Room of Erie whereby the City will make available funding being received from ESG Cares grant for the purpose of implementing the designed activity as reflected in the amended FY19 ESG CARES plan in the amount of $35,000.00.
- A resolution authorizing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to amend the agreement between the City of Erie and the Salvation Army whereby the City will make available funding being received from ESG Cares grant for implementing the designated activity as reflected in the amended FY19 ESG CARES plan for $10,000.00.
That the following amounts be transferred in theDept. of Finance, American Rescue Act Funds
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$4,480,645.00 | 036-2000-0000-5050 | ARP Act Expenditures | $4,480,645.00 | 036-2601-0000-5071 | Revenue Replacement |
That the following amounts be transferred in theESG Cares
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 45,000.00 | 516-5017-2019-4750 | GECAC | $ 35,000.00 | 516-5129-2019-4750 | The Upper Room of Erie |
10,000.00 | 516-5113-2019-4750 | Salvation Army | |||
$ 45,500.00 | $ 45,000.00 |
That the following amounts be transferred in the Dept. of Finance, American Rescue Act Funds
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 100,000.00 | 036-2000-0000-5050 | ARP Act Expenditures | $ 100,000.00 | 036-2051-0000-5071 | COE Enterprise Zone |
- FARO Technologies, Inc., PO Box 116908, Atlanta, GA 30368-6908 for a one (1) year Maintenance and Software License Agreement for the FARO Focus 3D Laser Scanner for the Bureau of Police for the period 10/1/21 – 9/30/22 at a total amount of $6,450.00.
- Three Rivers Fire Equipment, 1319 Airbrake Avenue, Turtle Creek, PA 15145 for twenty-five (25) sets of turn out gear, thermal jackets and pants for the Bureau of Fire, at a total cost of $82,500.00.
- Compass Minerals, Inc., PO Box 277043, Atlanta, GA 30384 for road salt for the Bureau of Streets for the amount of $43.01 per ton.
- Coleman & Co., P.C., 2415 West Grandview Blvd., Erie, PA for consulting and review services in connection with the 2020 Cost Allocation Plan for the Finance Department at a total amount of $2,300.00.
- DME Forensics, 17301 West Colfax Avenue, Suite 400, Golden, CO 80401 for the annual license renewal fee for the DVR Software Examiner, for the period of 11/18/21 – 11/18/22, for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $2,695.00.
- Dias Spring Service, 364 West 12th Street, Erie, PA 16501 for repairs of the front suspension on T-1 for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $2,321.01.
- Path Master, Inc., 1960 Midway Drive, Twinsburg, OH 44087, for three (3) controllers to be used on East 26th Street and 10 12” plastic signal heads with LEDs, for the Department of Public Works at a total cost of $9,300.00.
- Cleveland Brothers Equipment, 3950 Depot Road, Erie, PA 16510 for repairs on the Paver in the Streets Department at a cost of $2,619.72.
- Gene Davis Sales and Service, 1119 Payne Ave., Erie, PA 16503 for manufactured plow pins for the winter street plows for the Bureau of Streets, at a total cost of $3,800.00.
- Custom Products, PO Box 54091 Jackson, MS 39288, for a post driver for the Department of Public Works at a cost of $2,782.50.
- Siemans Industry, Inc.,/Gilson Engineering Sales, Inc., 535 Rochester Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 for two (2) Polymer Tank Radar Level Transmitters at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,142.00.
- MSA Sales, LLC/Gilson Engineering Sales, Inc., 535 Rochester Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237 for three (3) Carbon Monoxide Sensors in the Ash Load Out area at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,055.00.
- C.W. Beal, Inc., 7051 Edinboro Road, Erie, PA 16509 for labor and material to prepare and paint/coat three (3) Oil-filled Transformers at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at the total amount of $6,980.00.
- David Milano Construction, LLC, Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to repair the sanitary connection at 1012 West 20th Street for the Bureau of Sewers at a total cost of $4,988.24.
* Citizens are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM (Register online at
** City Council will hold their monthly Finance Committee Meeting following the City Council Meeting.
Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania), Channel 1071 Community Access Media, the City of Erie’s Website, and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms. Please note, channel 1024 (local government access channel) will not be available due to upgrades until further notice.
Register in advance of this meeting:
Webinar Registration – Zoom