A.        Roll Call

B.        Silent Meditation

C.        Approval of Minutes/Bills


            Requests for Repository Sales

D.        Public Comments:


  1. Council File No 16,250                       Pending Official File Ordinance No. 55-2021

An ordinance amending Articles 2, 3 and 6 of the City of Erie Zoning Ordinance to incorporate language for Short Term Rentals.

  • Council File No 16,251                       Pending Official File Ordinance No. 56-2021

An ordinance fixing the tax rate for all city purposes for the Fiscal Year (beginning on   January 1, 2022 and ending on December 31, 2022).

  • Council File No 16,252                       Pending Official File Ordinance No. 57-2021

An ordinance of the City of Erie, County of Erie and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopting the General Fund and certain other budgets for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2022 and ending December 31, 2022.

  • Council File No. 16,256                      Pending Official File Ordinance No. 61-2021

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $38,049,418.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof Funding is the second Tranche American Rescue Plan Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds.

  • Council File No. 16,257                      Pending Official File Ordinance No.  62-2021

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $50,000.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof.


  • Council File No. 16,258                      Pending Official File Ordinance No.  63-2021

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $35,113.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to provide for the expenditure thereof for the demolition of the Kahkwa Avenue Bridge from the County of Erie from the $5 Local Use Fee Funds.

  • Council File No. 16,259                      Pending Official File Ordinance No.  64-2021

An ordinance amending Article 901, Street Excavations, Section 901.06, to combine the Permit and Inspection fee into one fee to be paid prior to issuance of a permit, and setting the amount of such fee.



That Erie City Council will conduct a Public Hearing during the scheduled City Council                                            meeting on Wednesday, December 15, 2021 at approximately 8:00 P.M. in City Council Chambers, 626 State Street, Erie, PA to hear testimony to discuss:

The initial draft of the proposed Short Term Rental ordinance allowed short-term rentals throughout the City but restricted short-term rentals in the R-1 and R1A districts to owner occupied properties that could be rented out for 180 or fewer days. Following the first public hearing, the City revised the draft ordinance to eliminate the owner occupied and rental day restrictions. City Council is holding this public hearing to ensure that is gets sufficient public input to determine whether the owner occupied / rental day restrictions should be included in the ordinance.

After the public hearing, Council will consider enactment of the short-term rental ordinance – either with or without the above referenced restrictions.  A copy of the full text of the ordinance is available for inspection. Anyone interested in offering testimony or public comment is encouraged to attend.  


  1. A resolution sponsored by Council President Brzezinski authorizing and directing the City Solicitor to prepare an ordinance amending the Codified Ordinances of the City of Erie, being Part One Administrative Code, Title Three, Article 111, Section 111.06 (Compensation of the City Council) which presently establishes the compensation of members of Council at $6,000.00 by increasing the annual amount to $10,000.00/year, and President of Council from $7,500.00 by increasing the annual amount to $11,500.00. That increase in compensation shall not apply to the current terms of any Council member now in office or such member’s replacement for the duration of a current term of office commencing the first Monday of January 2024, and the first Monday of January 2026.
  2. A resolution sponsored by Council President Ed Brzezinski appointing Kathy Schaaf, 2437 East 43rd Street, Erie, PA 16510 to the Human Relations Advisory Committee for a three-year term commencing 1/1/22 and will expire 12/31/24.
  3. A resolution sponsored by Council President Ed Brzezinski appointing Mr. Brian Slawin, 726 West 2nd Street #2 Erie, PA 16507 to the Erie Regional Airport Authority for a five-year term that will expire on December 31, 2026.
  4. A resolution sponsored by Council President Ed Brzezinski receiving the communication from Rehig Pacific Company regarding the request to close and vacate a portion of West 20th Street between Haybarger Avenue and Berst Avenue is hereby received and referred to the City Planning Commission for recommendation and report thereon. Council directs the City Solicitor to prepare for Council’s consideration any necessary documents to effectuate the closure and vacation of the roadway.
  5. A resolution sponsored by Councilman Witherspoon authorizing City Council and the proper City officials to formally ratify a grant from the City of Erie’s American Rescue Plan Funds (ARP) to the Eagle’s Nest Leadership Corporation in the amount of $675,000.00. The City Solicitor’s Office will assist with the preparation of the grant agreement documents for this transaction.
  6. A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute an Easement Agreement between the City of Erie and Saint Vincent Hospital, 232 W. 25th St., Erie, PA 16501, Index Numbers (19) 6004-122 and (19) 6004-126, in compliance with the attached City Engineer’s metes and bounds description locating underground conduit containing an electrical service.
  7. A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City officials to execute an Easement Agreement between the City of Erie and Erie Downtown Development Corporation, 429 State St., Erie, PA 16501, Index (14) 1002-217, in compliance with the attached City Engineer’s metes and bounds description locating a sign.
  8. A resolution authorizing that the proper City officials to execute any and all participation documents relating to the nationwide settlement agreements regarding the opioid litigation brought by states and local subdivisions against three pharmaceutical distributors, McKesson, Cardinal Health and AmerisourceBergen and one manufacturer Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and its parent company Johnson & Johnson. 
  9. A resolution that Change Order on the contract as recommended and concurred with by the Department of Public Works and Dagostino Electronic Services, Inc. 600 Mifflin Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15207 for the Proposed City Hall Security Project for increased scope of work be approved as follows: Original Contract Amount: $749,743.46 Change Order $37,745.13 Final Contract Amount $787,488.59.


That the following amounts be transferred in the Office of Accounts, Finance and Budget

    Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:

$ 10,000.00002-0963-0000-4019Unemployment Comp.$3,000.00002-0963-0000-4043Education & Training
       7,000.00002-0963-0000-4012Employee Payout
$ 7,000.00002-0963-0000-4059Other Services$  7,000.00002-0963-0000-4143Erie Zoological Society

That the following amounts be transferred in the Office of Personnel

Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:

$ 6,000.00002-0521-0000-4041Professional Services$ 6,000.00002-0513-0000-4041Professional Services
$ 6,000.00  $ 6,000.00  

That the following amounts be transferred in the Police General Fund Account

Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:

$ 119.00002-0613-0000-4024Tool Allowance/Uniforms$  119.00002-0603-0000-4024Tool Allowance/Uniforms
 4,500.00002-0613-0000-4045Communication 4,000.00002-0613-0000-4033Operating Supplies
        500.00002-0613-0000-4039Consumable Items
$ 4,619.00  $ 4,619.00  

That the following amounts be transferred in the Police General Fund Account

Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:

$ 5,600.00002-0613-0000-4006Overtime$ 5,600.00002-0603-0000-4054Rentals

That the following amounts be transferred in the Department of Public Works

Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:       

$ 6,000.00002-0713-0000-4033Operating Supplies$ 6,000.00002-0713-0000-4056Repair/Maintenance Svcs.
500.00002-0713-0000-4054Rentals500.00002-0713-0000-4059Other Services
700.00002-0719-0000-4047Utilities700.00002-0719-0000-4033Operating Supplies
35,000.00002-0719-0000-4034Fuel/Fluids35,000.00002-0719-0000-4035Repair/Maintenance Sup.
8,500.00002-0725-0000-4552Summer Rec.2,000.00002-0725-0000-4006O.T. Wages
Sub Total $50,700.00  Sub Total $50,700.00  
$15,000.00007-0771-0000-4011Wages15,000.00007-0771-0000-4006Overtime Wages
1,000.00007-0773-0000-4033Operating supplies1,000.00007-0773-0000-4031Office Supplies
$16,000.00  $16,000.00  
7,000.00008-0731-0000-4011Wages7,000.00008-0731-0000-4006Overtime Wages
80,000.00008-0731-0000-4011Wages80,000.00008-0731-0000-4013Seasonal Wages
25,000.00008-0731-0000-4021Deferred Compensation25,000.00008-0731-0000-4035Repair Maintenance Sup
100.00008-0731-0000-4059Other Services100.00008-0731-0000-4054Rentals
50,000.00008-0731-0000-4011Wages50,000.00008-0731-0000-4035Repair Maintenance Sup
Sub Total $162,1,00.00  Sub Total $162,100.00  
Total      $228,800.00  Total $228,800.00  

That the following amounts be transferred in theDepartment of Finance, ARP Funds

    Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:

$ 9,155,000.00036-2000-0000-5050ARP Act Expenditures$ 900,000.00036-2517-0000-5062Digital Infrastr Code Enfor
   75,000.00036-2517-0000-5063Website Redesign
   5,000,000.00036-2313-0000-5064Parks/Pub Space Imp
   1,500,000.00036-2313-0000-5065East Bayfront Greenway
   1,500,000.00036-2313-0000-5066Quinn T Redevel
   40,000.00036-2313-0000-5067Cities of Service


  1. Dave Hallman Fleet Service, 1925 State Street, Erie, PA 16501 for a 2022 Chevy Traverse for $30,420.00 and a 2022 Chevy Colorado for $29,370.00 for the Police Department, Vice Unit at a total cost of $59,790.00.
  2. Mullin & Lonergan Associates, 2 Kacey Court, Suite 201 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 to assist with preparing the HOME Environmental Review Record (ERR) for the Richford Arms apartment project bring developed by Beacon in the amount of $2,500.00.


  1. ESO Solutions, PO Box 67034, Dallas, TX 75267-0324 for the annual support for the Firehouse Software users Ipads for Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $3,824.57.
  2. Keystone Fire Apparatus, Inc., 1751 McKees Rocks Road, McKees Rocks, PA for the purchase of an outrigger control for the Bureau of Fire at a total cost of $5,261.00.
  3. Mobilcom, PO Box 1234, Meadville, PA 16335 for the lights and service calls to the Hilltop Road Tower for the Department of Public Works at a total cost of $2,047.87.
  4. Trane, 45 Earnhart Drive, Suite 103, Buffalo, NY 14221 for repairs to the parking ramp entrances located at City Hall in the amount of $9,340.00.
  5. APG neuros, Inc., 1270 Michele-Bohec Blainville, Quebec J7C 554 for the services to remove, reinstall the Core of Turbo Air Blower $3 at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $26,460.00.
  6. AmeriPac Industries, 2124 Caughey Road, Erie, PA 16506 for the purchase of Can Liners for the 20 Yard Dumpsters at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,537.38.
  7. IFCO, 40 Humboldt Street, Rochester, NY 14609 for the time and material (T&M) services to remove & replace broken arm #2 Hearth Incinerator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $48,439.50.
  8. WM. T. Spaeder Co., 1602 East 18th Street PO Box 10066, Erie, PA 16514 for the services to install a new Backflow Preventer & Waterline Piping on the secondary/back-up waterline at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,900.00.
  9. David Milano Construction, LLC, 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to repair sanitary connections at 419 Walnut Street & catch basin lateral at 231 Colorado Drive for the Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $4,654.50.
  10. Best Buy, 6650 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16509 for two (2) Lenovo Touch Screen Laptops and one (1) Lenovo Ideapad Touch Screen Laptop for the Department of Public Works at a total amount of $2,319.97.



* Citizens are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM (Register online at

** City Council will meet in caucus at 6:30 pm for budget review.


Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania), Channel 1071 Community Access Media, the City of Erie’s Website, and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.

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