A.        Roll Call

B.        Silent Meditation

C.        Approval of Minutes/Bills


            Repository Sales:

D.        Public Comments



  1. Council File No. 16,260

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $15,000.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from the Mercy Terrace Apartments for the purchase of Police, Fire and winter maintenance equipment.

  • Council File No. 16,261

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $393,434.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof in the Risk Management Fund.  This amount equals the insurance reimbursements from the previous year’s claims.


  1. Pursuant to the provisions of PA 47 P.S. 4-461 (b.3) and the proper legal advertising, Erie City Council will proceed to hold a public hearing at approximately 8:00 P.M. to hear testimony regarding the request to transfer Liquor License R-19292 from Asian King 1, Inc. 5901 West Ridge Road, Erie, PA to How Nice, LLC (Local Eat & Pour) 1201 State Street, Erie, PA.


  1. A resolution that City Council is rescheduling the City Council meeting of Wednesday

February 2, 2022 to Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 9:00 A.M.

  • A resolution receiving the communication from Mayor Joe Schember that as President of City Council, Liz Allen serves as an ex officio member of the City of Erie Higher Education Building Authority.
  • A resolution sponsored by Council President Liz Allen proposed to the city taxpayers for the year 2022 that the City Property tax at 2 percent discount will be satisfied if paid on or before April 30, 2022.  Tax at face amount will be satisfied if paid on or before July 31, 2022. Tax at 10 percent penalty will occur if paid on or after August 1, 2022.   We as a council realize these are unprecedented times.  This will provide a small assistance to our taxpaying citizens for this 2022 and enable them the incentive of paying earlier than later.  This resolution comes after much discussion and evaluation of our finances. We as a city council affirm that these are difficult times.  We do not know what 2022 will bring but know that we as a governing council body need to continue to pay the bills of the City and continue to have services for our citizens of Erie Pa.
  • A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute agreements between the City of Erie and the following sub-recipients whereby the City will make available funding being received from ESG Cares grant for the purpose of implementing the designated activities as reflected in the amended FY19ESG CARES plan.

Mercy Center for Women $15,000.00, Community of Caring $86,120.00, City Mission 81,116.00, The Refuge $9,539.57, Community Shelter Services $19,865.16.

  • A resolution authorizing and directing the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to designate the City of Erie Director and Assistant Director of each City department and the City Grant Writer to serve as authorized organization representatives to sign required proposal documents and to submit state and federal grant applications on behalf of the City for the 2022 calendar year.
  • A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to submit a Business Plan and Full Application to the Commonwealth of PA Officer of the Budget for a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant in the amount up to $5,000,000.00 to be utilized for expERIEnce Children’s Museum Facility.
  • A resolution authorizing Whereas the Mayor and City Controller have previously executed the Grant Agreement between the City of Erie and the County of Erie for the Stormwater Program and Fee Feasibility Study and

Whereas the Selected Consultant (the Engineer) for the project is Wood Environmental & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc., 751 Arbor Way, Suite 180 Blue Bell, PA 19422-1960 and

Whereas the scope of work be increased to include developing credit and appeals policies, supporting documentation, user manuals and advisory committee support,

The Change Order No. 1 be hereby awarded in the net charge amount not to exceed $49,910.00, as recommended and concurred with the Bureau of Engineering.

Original contract $91,323.57, revised contract $138,323.57 Change Order Total $46,910.00.


That the following amounts be transferred in ESG Cares 

Transferred from:                                                  Transferred to:       

$ 192,796.41516-5017-2019-4750GECAC$  15,000.00516-5132-2019-4750Mercy Center for Women
    18,844.32516-1251-2019-4102ECD-Admin86,120.00516-5126-2019-4750Comm of Caring
   81,116.00516-5130-2019-4750City Mission
   9,539.57516-5131-2019-4750The Refuge
   19,865.16516-5127-2019-4750Comm Shelter Svcs
$211,640.73  $211,640.73  


  1. Edward J. Betza, Esquire, of Elderkin Law firm, 456 West 6th Street, Erie, PA 16507 to serve as Solicitor for the City of Erie, at a unit price of $125.00 per hour.  Time will be billed at quarterly increments and invoices will be sent monthly.  There are no guarantee of hours and not to exceed $125,000.00.
  2. Builders Inspection Underwriters of PA, Inc., 1805 West 38th Street, Erie, PA 16506 for a one-year contract for 2022 Plumbing and Mechanical Inspection Services for the Bureau of Code Enforcement at the following unit price formula for a total cost of $100,000.00.
  3. Bob Ferrando Ford Lincoln Sales, Inc., 8868  West Ridge Road, Girard, PA 16423 for four (4) 2022 Ford Utility Police Interceptors for $34,182.00 each for the Bureau of Police for a total amount of $136,728.00.
  4. Kiva, 986 Mission Street, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 for services to be rendered and tools and resources to be provided for the Kiva Erie Hub for a three-year period (December 1, 2021 – November 30, 2024) for the Bureau of Economic and Community Development at a total cost of $55,000.00.
  5. Dave Hallman Chevrolet Fleet Service, 1925 State Street, Erie, PA 16501 for three (3) 2022 Chevrolet Equinoxes ($24,735.00 each) for the Department of Public Works at a total amount of $74,205.00.
  6. GovConnection, Inc., PO Box 536477, Pittsburgh, PA 15253-5906 for 40 PC’s to replenish stock for the Office of Computer Services at a cost of $28,989.16.


  1. DCED, 400 North Street, 4th Floor, Harrisburg, PA 17120-0225 for State fees due for July, August, September 2021 (569 permits) and for October, November, December 2021 (485 permits) for the Bureau of Code Enforcement at a total cost of $4,743.00.
  2. Middle Atlantic Inspections, 1805 West 38th Street, Erie, PA 16508 for the 2022 Electrical Inspections for the Bureau of Code Enforcement at a cost of $9,000.00.
  3. Cellebrite USA, Inc., 7 Campus Drive, Suite 210, Parsippany, NJ 07054 for the yearly software maintenance contract for the Cellphone Extraction Unit for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $4,300.00.
  4. American Red Cross Training Services, 25688 Network Place, Chicago, IL 60673-1256 for 195 police officers to be certified in Adult First Aid/CPR/AED, which is a requirement of their quarterly training and certifications for the Bureau of Police at a total cost of $5,850.00.
  • PA Chiefs of Police Association, 3905 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 for the annual maintenance agreements of the Livescan/CPIN Systems, the fingerprint and mugshot equipment, for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $6,500.00.
  • GILCO-Gilson Engineering Sales, Inc., 535 Rochester Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237-1747 for the Annual Chlorine Sensor Exchange Program at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $4,500.00.
  • Commonwealth of PA DEP Bureau of Laboratories, PO Box 1467 Harrisburg, PA 17105-1467 for the renewal of the Annual Laboratory Certificate of Accreditation at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,000.00.
  • Pitney Bowes, PO Box 371887, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7887 for a five (5) year lease agreement for a Relay 5000 Inserting System for the Print Shop at a total cost of $9,422.16/year.



* Citizens are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM (Register online at

Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania), the City of Erie’s Website, Public Access TV Channel 1021, Facebook and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.

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