Meeting of the Erie City Council June 15, 2022 Agenda
AT 7:30 P.M.
A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
Repository Sales:
D. Public Comments:
- Council File No. 16,286 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 27-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $161,193.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof. 2022 INSURANCE FRAUD PREVENTION AUTHORITY.
- Council File No. 16,287 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 28-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $$144,123.00 from un-appropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof. 2022 AUTO THEFT PREVENTION AUTHORITY.
- Council File No. 16,288 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 29-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $2,020.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof. Funding is from a check from Knights and Ladies of St Patrick to be donated to The Caritas Diocese of Lublin Poland for food and goods for the Ukrainian people.
- Council File No. 16,289 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 30-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $932,470.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the following HOME (M22) projects.
- Council File No. 16,290 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 31-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $269,951.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the following Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG22) projects.
- Council File No. 16,291 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 32-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $3,111,047.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue to be received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and $5,000.00 program income for a total of $3,116,047.00 for the following Community Development Block Grant (CD22) projects.
- Council File No. 16,292 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 33-2022
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $$120,983.00 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue and providing for the expenditure thereof. PORT SECURITY GRANT.
- Council File No. 16,293
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $17,364.34 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue received as loan processing fees within the Enterprise Zone Revolving Loan Fund.
- Council File No. 16,294
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $24,157.40 from unappropriated and anticipated revenue received as loan processing fees within the Enterprise Zone Revolving Loan Fund.
- Council File No. 16,295
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $200,000.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof. Funding is from Green Mountain Energy Company for the Central Firehouse Solar Project.
- Council File No. 16,296
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $10,862.60 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from AIM Recycling Erie from recycled metal to be used for chemical cleanup).
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Witherspoon authorizing and directing that the Proper City Officials are to designate the alleyway between W. 18th and W. 19th Street on Poplar Street at Lake Shore Industries as “Leo Bruno Way”. Lake Shore Industries, which makes street signs, historical markers and commercial castings, was started in 1908.
- A resolution sponsored by Mr. Witherspoon that Selena N. King of 848 E. 25th Street 16503 be reappointed to the Zoning Hearing Board to fill the remainder of the term of P.J. Monella who resigned, through 12/31/22.
WHEREAS, on July 6, 2016 the City adopted a comprehensive plan titled Erie Refocused in accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania’s Municipalities Planning Code, Act of 1968, P.L. 805, No. 247 as amended; and
WHEREAS, The City understands that its responsibility is to provide a framework for change. Without a framework or plan, the development process is reactive leading to piecemeal and uncoordinated development; and
WHEREAS, the City of Erie, its administration and elected officials believes that planning that is done in conjunction with residents and community stakeholders results in positive and forward thinking outcomes and will lead to achieving the vision and goals of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City has created a process by which comprehensive plan recommendations can meet the objectives of proper planning while moving efficiently and effectively into implementation working with community stakeholders, neighborhood groups and interested citizens; and
WHEREAS, this process is referred to as the Neighborhood Planning initiative which is designed to create specific neighborhood plans that align with Erie Refocused and are citizen driven through a robust citizen engagement program; and
WHEREAS, Our West Bayfront has initiated an update to their Community Plan (the Plan) through input by the residents, businesses and community stakeholders; and
WHEREAS, the Plan was informed by a significant amount of public input and presented to City Staff and the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Plan has been reviewed and is recommended for approval by the City of Erie’s Planning Commission at their regular meeting held on May 17, 2022: and
WHEREAS, the council members of the City of Erie have carefully and thoroughly reviewed the Our West Bayfront Community Plan Update dated March 2022 and is satisfied that it meets the needs of the City and fulfills the goals of the City’s comprehensive plan, Erie Refocused, and the accompanying Five Year Action Plan.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Erie hereby adopts and supports the full implementation of the Our West Bayfront Community Plan Update dated March 2022 as an important planning tool that the City will rely on to guide revitalization efforts.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the agreements with sub-recipients and contractors necessary to carry out the following Community Development Block Grant (FY22) projects:
501-1251-2022-4704 City Housing Services – ERA $ 20,000.00
501-1256-2022-4656 Econ Dev Act/EMI Site Ren/Enterprise Dev Center $500,000.00
501-1283-2022-4706 Comm Policing/Police Athletic League/Youth Prog $ 20,000.00
501-5004-2022-4582 ERA – Housing Rehab $200,000.00
501-5004-2022-4606 ERA – Housing Rehab – LEAD $ 75,000.00
501-5007-2022-4520 SSJ – Summer Rec $ 15,000.00
501-5014-2022-4435 BTW Center – HR $ 76,201.00
501-5014-2022-4520 BTW Center – Summer Rec $ 19,537.00
501-5015-2022-4435 MLK Center – HR $ 64,500.00
501-5015-2022-4520 MLK Center – Summer Rec $ 15,000.00
501-5016-2022-4435 JFK Center – HR $ 56,772.00
501-5017-2022-4477 GECAC – In-Home Services $ 8,250.00
501-5021-2022-4435 Youth Leadership Institute – HR $ 5,000.00
501-5025-2022-4435 Boys & Girls Club – HR $ 60,000.00
501-5036-2022-4435 Trinity Center – HR $ 36,655.00
501-5036-2022-4520 Trinity Center – Summer Rec $ 18,335.00 501-5047-2022-4702 Paramount Pursuits, LLC – Small Business Assist $ 50,000.00
501-5050-2022-4421 Climate Changers – Renovations $ 57,000.00
501-5051-2022-4702 Christian Ministries, Inc. – Small Business Assist $ 60,000.00
501-5052-2022-4435 Journey to a Trauma-Informed Life, LLC – HR $ 50,000.00
501-5119-2022-4435 UECDC – HR $ 60,000.00
501-5130-2022-4435 City Mission – HR $ 50,000.00
501-5138-2022-4435 St. Martin Center – HR $ 50,000.00
501-5168-2022-4435 YMCA – Downtown Teen Center – HR $ 50,000.00
501-5170-2022-4702 Gannon University/SBDC/Small Business Assist $ 50,000.00
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the agreements with sub-recipients to carry out the following Emergency Solutions Grant (FY22) projects:
506-5017-2022-4700 GECAC – Rapid Re-Housing $87,734.00
506-5114-2022-4701 SafeNet – Hospitality House $ 7,710.00
506-5115-2022-4701 SafeNet – Bridge House $12,536.00
506-5116-2022-4701 SafeNet – TLC $ 3,855.00
506-5126-2022-4701 Community of Caring $15,420.00
506-5127-2022-4701 Community Shelter Services $38,565.00
506-5128-2022-4701 St. Patrick’s Haven $16,391.00
506-5130-2022-4701 City Mission $29,884.00
506-5131-2022-4701 The Refuge $18,319.00
506-5132-2022-4701 Mercy Center for Women $19,291.00
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the agreements with sub-recipients to carry out the following HOME (FY22) projects:
505-5005-2022-4501 HANDS – New Construction Rental $300,000.00
505-5005-2022-4504 HANDS – CHDO Operating $ 21,150.00
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials to execute the agreements with sub-recipients to enter into agreements with prospective homeowners being awarded Home funds for the City-Homebuyer Rehab project in which the City will provide up to $24,999.00 for rehabilitation costs, down payment assistance, and closing costs to each qualifying recipient. The total funding allocated to this program in the FY22 plan is $203,547.00.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and other appropriate City Officials
to execute the agreements with sub-recipients to enter into agreements with individual homeowners being awarded HOME funds for the City-Housing Rehab project in which the City will provide up to $24,999.00 for rehabilitation costs to each qualifying homeowner. The total funding allocated to this program in the FY22 plan is $314,526.00.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that the Mayor and City Controller to execute an agreement between the City of Erie and the County of Erie for the preliminary and final design engineering phases of the Kahkwa Avenue Bridge Replacement over Ravine Drive. The total amount eligible to be reimbursed to the Municipality is $585,424.26 from the $5 Local Use Fee Funds.
- A resolution authorizing and directing that City Council and other appropriate City Officials to sign the necessary documents and agreements effectuation same that the
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Project Review Committee approvalof the following Flagship ARP Small Business Diversity loan be formally ratified:
Darline Services, Inc Amount Term Fee
DBA: A Compassionate Hart Massage Therapy $50,000.00 7 Years $250.00
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Joshua Nelson
2. Terrance Dawdy
3. Tyshawn Parker
A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Terrance Dawdy
2. Tyshawn Parker
3. Luigi Yates
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Jeffrey Parker
2. Luigi Yates
3. Destiny Glass
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Luigi Yates
2. Destiny Glass
3. Rebecca Gross
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022
1. Destiny Glass
2. Rebecca Gross
3. William Barber
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Rebecca Gross
2. William Barber
3. Ryan Oakley
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. William Barber
2. Ryan Oakley
3. Alex Miller
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Ryan Oakley
2. Alex Miller
3. John Hartman
- A resolution that the following individual be appointed as Probationary Patrolman at the current salary of $50,205.91 in the City of Erie Bureau of Police as they appear on the current Civil Service Eligibility List for the probation period of one (1) year from the date of his appointment on June 27, 2022.
1. Alex Miller
2. John Hartman
3. Rahim Hrnjic
- Jim Fiorenzo, 4211 Prestwick Dr., Erie, PA 16506 to assist with recruiting a qualified planning director and conduct a comprehensive assessment from a staffing and HR standpoint and at the total cost of $50 per hour not to exceed $25,000.00.
- TranSystems Corp. d/b/a TranSystems Corp. Consultants, Frick Building, Suite 812 437 Grant Street, Pittsburgh, PA for the selected consultant (Engineer) preliminary and Final Design Engineering Phases for the project for the Kahkwa Avenue Bridge Replacement over Ravine Drive at the total amount not to exceed $585,424.26.
- Solar Revolution, LLC, 8160 Pagan Road, Erie, PA 16509 for design, purchase and installation of a solar power (photovoltaic) system, for the Department of Public Works in the amount of $247,150.00.
- Zones LLC, PO Box 34740, Seattle, WA 98124-1740 for active directory and exchange license upgrade in order to keep the login server and the mail system up to date and communicating properly for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $41,814.43.
- Zones LLC, PO Box 34740, Seattle, WA 98124-1740 for server licenses required to add servers to support the ESR/City Works software for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $14,176.68.
- CityGrows, Inc., 16 Micheltorena Street, Los Angeles, 90026 for the annual online software program used to process management/workflow system for the Office of Computer Services at a total amount of $4,999.00.
- Lindenmyer Munroe, PO Box 416977, Boston MA 02241-6977 for forty (40) cartons of Double A 8 ½ x 11 paper for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $2,081.00.
- Techworx, 2618 Sigsbee Street, Erie, PA 16508 for setup and configuring new Exchange 2019 server for the Office of Computer Services at a cost of $5,000.00.
- Russell Standard, PO Box 76748, Cleveland, OH 44101 for the tact oil for Bureau of Streets in the amount of $3,361.80.
- Erie Tec, Inc., PO Box 10307, Erie, PA 16514 for the purchase of Skimmer Boards and appurtenances for the East Primary Tanks at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,326.50.
- Redkoh Industries, Inc., PO Box 801 Bell Mead NJ 08502 to implement Professional Services to assist with Emissions Compliance Management of the Wet Electrostatic Precipitators for the Wastewater Treatment Plant, not to exceed $10,800.00.
- Miller Pump Supply, 9910 Peach Street, Waterford, PA 16441 for the purchase of Impellers for the F.E.W. Pumps at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $5,981.80.
- APGN, Inc., 1270 Michele-Bohec Blainville, QC Canada J7554 for the purchase of direct replacement Air Filters for the Turbo Air Blowers at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $4,500.00.
- David Milano Construction, LLC, 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to repair sanitary main at East 33rd & German Street, 147 Euclid Avenue & Briggs Avenue for the Bureau of Sewers at a total amount of $23,508.20.
Citizens are welcome to attend the City Council meeting in person. The meeting will also be available via ZOOM (Register online at
Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania); the City of Erie’s Website, Public Access TV Channel 1021, Facebook and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.
City Council will hold its monthly Finance meeting in the caucus room prior to the meeting.