City of Erie and PennDOT Announce
Public Plan Review and Comment Period for the
Greengarden Boulevard and French Street Bikeway Projects
The City of Erie and the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) invite the public to provide feedback on projects to create new bikeways along Greengarden Boulevard and French Street.
The following materials are posted on the City website at
• Video recording of a presentation explaining the projects
• PDF of the presentation slides
• Plans for improvements along Greengarden Boulevard between Bayfront Parkway and W 38th Street
• Plans for improvements along French Street between E 6th Street and E 38th Street
• Online survey forms (one for Greengarden Boulevard and one for French Street)
• Downloadable comment forms (one for Greengarden Boulevard and one for French Street; please return to City of Erie Project Manager Bill Heiden at 626 State St., Erie, PA 16501)
Hard copies of the presentation, plans, and comment form are also available in the lobby of Erie City Hall at 626 State St., Erie, PA 16501.
The public comment period is open until February 3. Members of the public only need to complete the online survey OR the downloadable comment form for feedback to be documented by the project team. Questions received during the public comment period will receive responses by February 17.
Those unable to access the information online or visit City Hall may give feedback by contacting Bill Heiden, City of Erie Project Engineer, at or 814-870-1395.
Project Background:
The purpose of these projects is to improve bicycle and pedestrian safety by creating dedicated bikeways through improvements along two north-south corridors that were identified in the City of Erie 2021 Active Transportation Plan.
Improvements along Greengarden Boulevard will be made between the intersection of Bayfront Parkway and West 38th Street. The proposed project will include new pavement markings complaint with current federal safety standards including bike lanes (buffered where space permits), shared lane markings, crosswalks, signs, drainage upgrades, and minor street repairs. North of 26th Street, bicycle facilities will be accommodated by narrowing the existing motor vehicle lanes. South of 26th Street, buffered bike lanes will be accommodated by restricting on-street parking. Work is expected to occur in during the 2023 construction season.
Improvements along French Street will be made between the intersection of East Sixth Street and East 38th Street. The proposed project includes new pavement markings compliant with current federal safety standards, including a two-way separated bike lane (between 6th Street and 26th Street), shared lane markings (between 26th street and 38th Street), crosswalks, reflective posts, signs, minor street repairs, and signal improvements. To provide dedicated low-stress bike amenities, the proposal includes permanent traffic pattern changes with the elimination of a lane for motorized traffic and on-street parking between 6th Street and 26th Street. Work is expected to occur during the 2024 construction season.
During construction, traffic will be controlled with flaggers.
The purpose of posting the project materials is to introduce the project and receive public input regarding any questions or concerns with the project. It is also an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the project’s potential effect upon Cultural Resources pursuant to the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s 36 CFR Part 800 regulations implementing Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Hard copies of the project information located in a facility that complies with requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act and is accessible to individuals who have disabilities. The digital and hard copies of project documents will be made available in alternative languages or formats if requested. If you need translation/interpretation services or have special needs or have special concerns that require individual attention, contact Bill Heiden at or 814-870-1395.
Pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, PennDOT does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, or disability. If you feel that you have been denied the benefits of, or participation in a PennDOT program or activity, you may contact the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Equal Opportunity, DBE/Title VI Division at 717-787-5891 or 800-468-4201.
MEDIA CONTACT: Bill Heiden, City of Erie, 814-870-1395
Jill Harry, PennDOT, 814-678-5035