Agenda for the City Council meeting of Wednesday, March 15
AT 7:30 P.M.
A. Roll Call
B. Silent Meditation
C. Approval of Minutes/Bills
D. Public comments
- Council File No. 16,336 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 11-2023
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $507,264.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from ARP Revenue Reimbursement to be used for Public Building’s Upgrades).
- Council File No. 16,337 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 12-2023
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $750,000.00 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for the expenditure thereof (contribution is from ARP Revenue Reimbursement to be used for the incinerator at the Wastewater Treatment Plant).
- Council File No. 16,338
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $15,000.00 from appropriated and anticipated revenue from PA Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) for body cameras, 5 gas meter, calibration station.
- Council File No. 16,339
An ordinance appropriating the sum of $189,090.90 from unappropriated and unanticipated revenue for expenditure thereof Contribution from FEMA Assistance to Firefighter Grant for Gear, Washers and Dryers, and Large diameter hose.
- Council File No. 16,340
An ordinance amending Articles 2, 3, and 6 of the City of Erie Zoning Ordinance to incorporate language for Short Term Rentals.
- Pursuant to the provisions of PA 47 P.S. 4-461 (b.3) and a public hearing held Wednesday, March 1, 2023 the request for the transfer of Pennsylvania restaurant liquor license no. R-8337, from Fun Eats and Drinks, LLC, Millcreek Plaza, Unit 250, Interchange Road, Millcreek Township, Erie County, Pennsylvania to Tops Market, LLC for restaurant facilities within the City of Erie to be located at 1702 East 38th Street, City of Erie, Erie County, Pennsylvania with the understanding that the liquor license will be transferred to only that location be hereby approved.
- A resolution that Erie City Council will vote regarding the employment status of a probationary employee.
- A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City Officials to enter into a Right of Entry and License Agreement with The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, through the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (DMVA), principal office located at Building 0-47, Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pennsylvania 17003 for temporary property access for construction of the repairs at the Garrison Run Headwall as part of the Garrison Run Phase IV Project, approved by Council on March 1, 2023.
- A resolution authorizing and directing the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to issue a grant to Groundwork Erie Inc., 626 State St., Room 101, Erie, PA 16501 for operating costs at a total cost of $140,000.00 (City of Erie ARP funds).
- That the Water Reserve Fund investment committee and their investment consultant recommend rebalancing the asset mix as follows:
• Reduce the CASH reserve position by $295,000
• Add $70,000 to the PNB Small Cap Value Fund
• Add $30,000 to Eagle Capital Large Cap Value portfolio
• Add $150,000 to Vanguard’s Developed Market Index Fund
• Add $45,000 to the Clearbridge Large Cap Growth portfolio
These transfers will reduce the fund’s exposure to low yielding short term investments and increase the long-term prospects for greater returns from domestic and international equities.
That the following amounts be transferred in the Department of Finance, American Rescue Act Funds
Transferred from: Transferred to:
Amount | Account | Title | Amount | Account | Title |
$ 2,500,000.00 | 036-2313-0000-5075 | DECD Brownfield Site Redevelopment | $ 2,500,000.00 | 036-2601-0000-5089 | Revenue Replacement |
- Snider Recreation, 10139 Royalton Rd. Suite K, North Royalton, OH 44133 for the purchase of playground Equipment to be installed for the bureau of Parks and Rec at Martin Luther King Center at a total cost of $88,132.00.
- TimeClock Plus LLC, 1 TimeClock Drive, San Angelo, TX 76904 for the purchase of (2) TimeClocks for the Bureau of Golf and (2) TimeClocks for Public Works. These will be located at both Downing and JC Martin Golf Courses, as well as two Public Works sites.
- Whitman, Requardt and Associates; for the Change Order #1, for the Bureau of Engineering a final contract amount $82,305.00.
- Millberg Coleman Bryson Phillips Grossman, PLLC, 800 South Gay Street, Suite 1100, Knoxville TN 37929 to a professional agreement to assist the City of Erie in collection of vacant and foreclosure property registration fees.
- Lake Erie Traffic Control, LLC, 7760 Francis Road, Girard, PA 16417 for the purchase of traffic cones & traffic signs for the Department of Risk Management at a total amount of $12,033.00
- FARO Technologies, Inc., PO Box 116908, Atlanta GA 303-68-6908 for a 1-year Maintenance and Software License Agreement for the Focus 3D Laser Scanner for the Bureau of Police at a total amount of $10,730.00
- Footlights Theatre Performing Arts Center, 817 Washington Place, Erie, PA 16502 for Performance Licensing that will be a theatrical function of the Footlights Theatre Performing Arts Center for the Bureau of Parks at a cost of $2,960.70
- Configuration & Calibration Services LLC, 108 Registry Lane, Baden, PA 15005 for the 3rd party calibration & field verification services for eight (8) magmeters at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,375.00.
- Centrisys Corp., 9586 58th Place, Kenosha, WI 53144 for the installation services required for reinstallation of the D2 Centrifuge Bowl/Scroll, and Rotodiff assembly at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $6,150.00
- Ace Viking Electric Co. Inc., 2222 East 30th Street, Erie, PA 16510 for the repair of the FLOAT Drainage Pump at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $3,100.00
- Gene Davis Sales & Service, 1119 Payne Avenue, Erie, PA 16503 for the purchase of replacement parts for the #2 Drainage Pump at the Wastewater Treatment Plant at a total amount of $2,444.00
- David Milano Construction, LLC., 2202 Zimmerly Road, Erie, PA 16506 for materials only to repair sanitary main at 248 East 3rd Street for the Bureau of Sewers $9,898.80.
Residents can watch the live stream on the City of Erie’s YouTube Page (@CityofEriePennsylvania); the City of Erie’s Website, Public Access TV Channel 1021, Facebook and after the meeting has concluded, on all social media platforms.
*City Council will meet in the Caucus room for the Finance meeting at 6:00 PM.