Active Erie Transportation Plan’s Bikeway Project: Frequently asked questions
Below are 10 frequently asked questions about Erie’s Bikeway Project plans, which are detailed in the Active Erie Transportation plan.
More information about the Bikeway Project can be found at and
- Are bike lanes safer for cyclists and vehicles? Yes. Studies show that bike lanes slow traffic and keep cyclists safer.
- Do bike lanes improve property values? Yes. Studies show that bike lanes and bicycle networks make municipalities more attractive to residents and visitors and increase property values.
- Is it illegal to park in a bike lane? Parking in a bike lane is illegal under two scenarios: 1). Parking in a bike lane is illegal because a bike lane is a type of lane of travel, similar to a roadway for motor vehicles or railroad tracks for a train. Under the City of Erie Ordinance 521.01(a.1), it is illegal to park anywhere “No Parking” signs are posted. 2). Under Pennsylvania Traffic Code 3353(d), it is illegal to park in a lane of travel if that unduly interferes with the free flow of traffic. In this case, that includes bicycle traffic. The goal of both laws is public safety and the avoidance of any injuries.
- Can we have a shared bike lane and parking area on Greengarden Boulevard between West 26th and West 38th streets? Originally, City officials hoped we could compromise and create a shared space. After checking with our consultant, WRA, and PennDOT, we learned that for safety reasons, this is not an option. The goal of the City is to promote the benefits of cycling, but to prevent any type of injury and to prevent any type of dangerous encounter between motor vehicles and cyclists, which includes cyclists having to change lanes to get around a parked car in a bike lane.
- Do residents have a right to on-street parking in front of their property? No. City-maintained streets are City rights-of-way. Traffic engineering decisions are made about City streets based on the needs of all City residents, not just the residents who live along the street.
- Can delivery vehicles temporarily stop in a bike lane to deliver packages? Yes. A delivery is a brief transaction. There is a difference between stopping for a few minutes for a delivery and parking for hours or days
- Can emergency vehicles use a bicycle lane when responding to an incident? Yes. Both the Erie Police Department and the Erie Fire Department support the use of a buffered bike lane (with no physical barriers) for the Phase 1 (Greengarden Boulevard) portion of the Bikeways Project.
- Why were questions about bike lanes with physical barriers included in a recent online survey about bike lane preferences? Because physical barriers were the initial recommendation by our consultant, we wanted the survey to reflect all potential options to gauge public support. However, the City is not recommending that option for the Phase 1 (Greengarden Boulevard) build-out of the Bikeway Project.
- Why can’t cyclists use the City sidewalks? The City of Erie has an ordinance against anyone older than 16 riding a bicycle on sidewalks. But more importantly, cycling on sidewalks is unsafe. Sidewalks in the City are maintained by the homeowner. That maintenance – or lack of maintenance – may leave some sidewalk surfaces uneven, cracked or broken and unsafe, especially for bicyclists.
- Will bikeway pavement markings be reflective to be easily seen at night? Yes. They will be painted with reflective paint, just as vehicular markings are produced.