Applications open for City’s first Environmental Advisory Council
At his weekly news conference on Thursday, Mayor Schember announced the opening of applications for the newly formed Environmental Advisory Council.
The Environmental Advisory Council was created to assist the City in researching identifiable environmental issues and in making recommendations on how best to address those issues. The Council aims to support Mayor Schember’s vision to make Erie a Community of Choice by developing Welcoming, Vibrant Neighborhoods and a World-class Downtown and Bayfront.
The Environmental Advisory Council will be composed of seven members. Four will be appointed by City Council and three by Mayor Schember.
The requirements are:
- Be a City of Erie resident.
- Have a background, education, and expertise in environmental issues, natural resources, and conservation strategies, or some combination of them.
Interested applicants should be available to:
- Attend meetings which are held at least quarterly (in person and/or virtually). These meetings may include public presentations and workshops.
- Commit to serve a three-year term. The initial appointments are staggered so that the terms of about one-third of the members expire each year.
The deadline to apply is May 22, 2023 at 8:30 a.m. An online application can be found at: For more information on the Environmental Advisory Council, contact Sarah Peelman, the City’s Sustainability Coordinator, at 814-870-1255 or