City announces paving, other projects as part of 2023 Road Improvement Plan

Erie Mayor Joe Schember and Public Works Director Chuck Zysk announced, on May 18, 2023, $5.1 million in projects for the 2023 paving and construction season. The projects comprise the 2023 Road Improvement Plan. Part of that plan is $1.6 million in roadway improvements for 4.75 miles of streets in low- to moderate-income neighborhoods in Erie, funded by a Community Development Block Grant, administered by the City’s Economic and Community Development Department.

City of Erie crews with the Streets Department, mill asphalt off of East 13th Street just east of German Street in Erie on May 18, 2023. CHRISTOPHER MILLETTE/CITY OF ERIE

The 2023 Road Improvement Plan is broken down into several phases.

  • Phase 1 – $750,000 in projects broken down into two segments:
    • Segment 1: $460,000 of roadway improvements that are funded through the CDBG program and focused on low- to moderate-income neighborhoods designated by the federal government.
    • Segment 2: $290,000 of roadway improvements that are focused on areas of the City outside of the designated CDBG Zone throughout the City.
  • Phase 2- $4.35 million for seven other projects:
    • Milling and resurfacing road reconstruction project, funded through a CDBG.
      • All the work will take place within the CDBG map.
      • Work will begin within the next few weeks.
      • Expected completion by the end of June.
    • Milling and resurfacing project funding through Liquid Fuels funding that the City receives through the Pennsylvania gas tax.
      • Expected to be bid at the beginning of June.
      • Work should begin in mid-June.
      • Expected completion in September.
  • Milling and resurfacing road reconstruction project within designated CDBG areas.
    • Work will begin in July.
    • Expected completion in September.
    • Federal Aid Route project funded through PennDOT and the Erie Metropolitan Planning Organization.
      • Work should begin by late summer.

Other contracted work includes:

  • The roadway reconstruction project on East Lake Road from East Avenue to Dunn Boulevard.  This project will include the removal of the asphalt base and sub-base layer. The funding for this project is through a grant awarded through the Pennsylvania Local Share Account.
  • Installation of ADA-compliant curb ramps throughout the City.
  • Also included in this year’s program is a crack sealing and pavement edge contract at various locations within the City.

What to expect:

For all these projects, residents can expect:

  • Road closure for the milling operation.
  • Road closure for the paving operation.
  • “No parking” signs installed a minimum of 3 days prior to work taking place.
  • Work crews will try to keep disturbances to a minimum.
  • Do not drive through work zones.

Fun facts:

Here are some fun facts about the amount of material used for 2023 Road Improvement Program:

  • 189,270 square yards of roadway resurfacing material. That’s enough to pave almost 30 football fields.
  • About 21,000 tons of new asphalt.
  • 10.75 linear miles of roadway will be paved this summer, which equates to about 23 lane miles.
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