Special Advisory – Street milling and paving schedule for July
Below is the tentative schedule for road resurfacing in July. For questions, call the City’s Bureau of Engineering: 814-870-1370:
Caroline Drive:
- From Greengarden Boulevard to 1600 Caroline Drive
- Milling: July 17
- Paving: July 20
Cascade Street:
- 2700 – 2900 blocks
- Milling: July 21
- Paving: July 24
Cherokee Drive:
- West Sixth Street to South Shore Drive
- Milling: July 19
- Paving: July 25
Eagle Point Boulevard:
- Lakeside Drive to East Second Street
- Milling: July 13
- Paving: July 17
East 41st Street:
- Sunset to Parade boulevards
- Milling: July 14
- Paving: July 19
Glendale Avenue:
- Harrison Street to McClelland Avenue
- Milling: July 13
- Paving: July 18
Greengarden Road/Boulevard:
- West 38th to West 43rd streets
- Milling: July 17
- Paving: July 20
Liberty Street:
- West Eighth to West Tenth streets
- Milling: July 20
- Paving: July 28
Lincoln Avenue:
- Bayfront Parkway to West 13th Street
- Milling: July 19
- Paving: July 27
McClelland Avenue:
- East 26th Street to Glendale Avenue
- Milling: July 14
- Paving: July 18
Oakwood Street:
- West 30th to West 32nd streets
- Milling: July 17
- Paving: July 21
Prospect Avenue:
- June Street to Cameron Road
- Milling: July 13
- Paving: July 17 & 18
Trask Avenue:
- West 38th to West 41st streets
- Milling: July 14
- Paving: July 19
Skyline Drive:
- 1600 Caroline to Emery drives
- Milling: None
- Paving: July 20
South Shore Drive:
- Cherokee to Seminole drives
- Milling: July 19
- Paving: July 25
Washington Avenue:
- West 25th Street to Baur Avenue
- Milling: July 18
- Paving: July 24
Wayne Street:
- Pine Avenue to East 40th Street
- Milling: July 14
- Paving: July 27
West Grandview Boulevard:
- Cherry Street to Highland Boulevard
- Milling: July 17
- Paving: July 20
West 10th Street:
- Raspberry to Plum streets
- Milling: July 21
- Paving: July 26
West 20th Street:
- Baur Avenue to Cranberry Street
- Milling: July 18
- Paving: July 24
West 24th Street:
- Baur Avenue to Washington Place
- Milling: July 18
- Paving: July 24
West 30th Street:
- Oakwood to Charlotte streets
- Milling: July 17
- Paving: July 21
West 36th Street:
- Melrose to Elmwood avenues
- Milling: None
- Paving: July 20