12th Street Reimagined” Study Seeks Public Input to Set the Stage for Corridor’s Revitalization
Building upon a growing foundation of public input, the City of Erie continues to work on a plan for the long-term revitalization of the West 12th Street corridor between the I-79 Interchange and Cherry Street. Residents, business owners and others with an interest in the area are invited to attend a public workshop to receive an update on how the project is developing and respond to initial concepts for transportation upgrades, beautification, amenities, and redevelopment opportunities.
All members of the public are invited to join this event for an overview presentation as well as review and respond to exhibits.
• Tuesday, May 21st, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (presentation 6:15 p.m.)
• Strong Vincent Middle School — Library
• 1330 W. 8th Street, Erie, PA 16502
Conversations at this event will inform 12th Street Reimagined, a plan focused on market-supported land use and transportation strategies. During this session, the project team will ask the community to respond to and shape vision scenarios for the corridor and target locations. Initial concepts reflect conditions assessment, market analysis, input received during the initial public meeting held in March 2024 and input from interviews, focus groups and other consultation. Community engagement at this stage is important in ensuring that the plan’s solutions are well targeted to build upon and fortify the area’s industrial prosperity while delivering on shared visions for its future enhancement, beautification, and connectivity.
Those who are unable to attend the event are encouraged to check the project website afterward — https://cityof.erie.pa.us/12streetproject — to view and respond to all presented materials.
The 12th Street Reimagined plan will establish action steps for making the corridor more inviting and functional for new investment and redevelopment, as well as ensuring that the roadway is designed to meet the current and future needs of all users. The 12th Street Reimagined plan has been made possible by Federal Highway Administration grant funds administered by the Erie Metropolitan Planning Organization.
With support from City staff, Erie County and partner agencies, a consultant team will guide internal workshops; conduct public events, interviews, focus groups and other outreach to gather local perspectives; collect and analyze data; examine target sites; and review ordinances. The work will result in a reality-rooted plan that establishes a vision, goals, transportation improvements and a future land use scenario, along with an implementation and funding plan. The project is scheduled for completion in June.
Overall coordination and expertise on land use and aesthetics will be led by Pashek+MTR, a Pittsburgh-based landscape architecture and community planning studio. Fourth Economy, a national community and economic development consulting firm, will contribute market analysis and development insight, and Whitman, Requardt & Associates, a nationally recognized multi-disciplinary engineering firm, will lead the transportation component.
Jacqueline Spry, Director
Department of Planning & Neighborhood Resources
City of Erie
(814) 870-1287
Jenni Easton, Project Consultant
(412) 321-6362 x 107