City of Erie Weekly News Wrap-up

The Erie Fire Department made history Wednesday morning after officially promoting Seenah Mischel as its first female lieutenant. Lieutenant Mischel, who became Erie’s first Black female firefighter in 2010, is originally from Buffalo, New Yorkand has served in the armed forces in Iraq and Jordan. The City of Erie also debuted a new firetruck on Wednesday for Engine Company 13. The 2020 Pierce …

City Council Meeting December 16, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.


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City Council Meeting
The City of Erie

Agenda for the City Council Meeting Dec. 2, 2020

AT 9:00 A.M.

A.        Roll Call

B.        Silent Meditation

C.        Approval of Minutes/Bills


            Repository Sales:

D.        Citizens to Be Heard: On Zoom

(zoom information located at the bottom of the agenda)


Council File No. 16,190                                  Pending Official File Ordinance No. …

City of Erie to Join Certified Welcoming Places in America

ERIE, PA, November 18, 2020—The City of Erie, PA is pleased to announce its achievement in becoming a Certified Welcoming place, joining just 10 other communities in America that can call themselves truly welcoming places.

“If I accomplished nothing else as a mayor, I want to eliminate racism and prejudice in Erie,” says Mayor Joseph …

Budget Session #2 and City Council Meeting Nov. 18, 2020

AGENDA FOR THE CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF WEDNESDAY November 18, 2020AT 7:30 P.M.A. Roll CallB. Silent MeditationC. Approval of Minutes/BillsPresentation:Repository Sales:D. Citizens to Be Heard: On ZoomE. ORDINANCES: FOR FINAL PASSAGE1. Council File No. 16,185 Pending Official File Ordinance No. 41-2020An ordinance prior to the issuance of a demolition permit the contractor/owner must comply …

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