The Flagship Fund

Micro-Grant Program

The Flagship Fund is the City of Erie’s first ever Micro-Grant program for small businesses. Established to provide financial assistance to support market-ready products and services, it also serves to enhance the City of Erie’s reputation for innovation and creativity; contribute to a thriving, sustainable business culture; and improve the quality of life for residents of the City of Erie.

Start-ups and established businesses from any sector are welcome to apply with a great idea and a sound business proposal that is going to proceed regardless of grant funding.

Funding awards will be granted up to $5,000.

The application period for Fall 2023 has closed. Please check back in Spring of 2024, when we plan to open a new round.

A 1:1 funding match is required and grant dollars will be awarded on a reimbursement basis.

Grant Objectives


Application and Reimbursement Process


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